SPN Fic and Art: Summer of ’93 (G; Gen; Wee!Chesters)

Mar 28, 2007 12:26

Title: Summer of ‘93
Fandom: SPN
Rating: G; Gen
Medium: Mixed (Pencil, Prismacolor artist pencils, and Prismacolor artist markers for the background, and digital using Photoshop and Corel Painter for the figures)
Notes for artwork: Dean is supposed to be about 14, Sammy about 10.
Summary: Dean’s changing, Dad’s changing, and Sammy’s afraid of ( Read more... )

pre-series, short fic plus art, weechesters, supernatural, g-rated, art, mixed media, gen, fanart, fic

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Comments 102

crickets March 28 2007, 19:51:13 UTC
That was wonderful. Thank you for sharing that. It was very in character and just so there. I wanna go fishing now. Haha. LOVE the picture! Perfect!


a_fallen_sister March 28 2007, 20:17:58 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad I got them in character -- I'm new to this show and the fandom but I've quickly become obsessed and I've watched most episodes at least twice, lol. I can't seem to get enough!

Hee! I kind of wanted to go fishing, too, after writing this! :o)


gottalovev March 28 2007, 20:00:16 UTC
oh wow. *clutches wee!sam-and-dean to chest*

that was simply amazing. I love it. the sammy POV is perfect and I love to see them all happy.. then boom, the angst. thank you so much

and the picture is great too, you have a lot of talent!


a_fallen_sister March 28 2007, 20:23:20 UTC
Thanks so much! And wee!sam-and-dean...gah. Thinking about those boys when they were little and what their childhood must have been like kind of melts me and breaks my heart at the same time.

I love to see them all happy.. then boom, the angst.

LOL, I know! I wasn't originally intending to have any angst, but with the Winchesters, it's hard to not have some creep in. *g* I'm so glad you liked the story and the pic! :o)


nerthus March 28 2007, 20:37:25 UTC
Wonderful, wonderful artwork and the story was just great; I love these daily life glimpses into the boys' pasts, happy sigh. And in a bit of a gender switch, I could relate to this fic in the sense that my older sister and I used to be buddies that way and do things together (she was 7 years older than I am, so more of an age gap than Dean and Sam, but still...); but then the dreaded hormones and teendom kicked in for her and when she was 15 and started to really fall for this annoying guy named Terry (36 yrs later they're still married to each other, ha!!), I was quite put out because I just wanted my sis to jump on the pogo sticks with me or play Barbies and she was too busy primping and brooding all dreamy-eyed over Terry. I used to follow them around and spy on them till they'd both become quite irate with me, and I'd copy everything they said and parrot it back to them, being a complete PAIN because deep down I just really missed my sister and the OLD bond between us and we were both at weird ages where we didn't really have ( ... )


a_fallen_sister March 28 2007, 21:04:47 UTC
Thanks so much! And I love the story about you and your sister -- it really illustrates what I was thinking about Sam and Dean when I wrote this. I just kept thinking that sometimes the age gap is more pronounced than others. When Sam is 4 and Dean is 8, they're both little boys. And when Sam is 22 and Dean is 26, they're both young men in their 20's. But when Sam is 10 and Dean is 14? One is still a little boy and the other is a young man who's rapidly changing. And lol, at little you following your sister and her boyfriend around, because that's exactly what little siblings do (I know, I was one, too!)

So glad you liked the story and the artwork! :o)


jasmasson March 28 2007, 20:41:15 UTC
Excellent; both fic and pic!


a_fallen_sister March 28 2007, 21:17:12 UTC
Thank you so much! Your icon, lol. The dark side has cookies? I'm so there. *g*


eloise_bright March 28 2007, 20:49:33 UTC
Gorgeous artwork - I'm echoing everyone in saying your Dean is just perfect - it looks so much like a younger Jensen. I love how Sam overhears John and Jim, but has no clue that they're talking about him. And it's fear for his boy that reduces John to tears. Wow.

Fantastic story and beautiful artwork. Kudos.


a_fallen_sister March 28 2007, 21:25:52 UTC
Thank you! So glad you liked the story and the artwork. :o)

And it's fear for his boy that reduces John to tears. Wow.

I love John so much, and I just don't think he's the hard ass that he may appear to be on the surface sometimes. And I love Jim for some reason, though we know so little about him, really. I liked the idea of John being different, more open, with one of his peers that he's really close to and trusts. Poor John! He's had such a heavy load.

Thanks for reading!


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