
Aug 30, 2007 12:59

This is vexing.

Is there no means of generating electricity here? Nails, hammers, bolts for basic construction? Am I going to have to whittle my own dustpans with my teeth?

LOCATION: Building "Home".
DETAILS: Sizeable basement. Two bedrooms. Basic furniture. Tabletops, cabinet (to be moved to the basement).
TO DO: 2 identical tabletops. Break one down ( Read more... )

subject: hojo is up to something, response: ansem, response: alice, classification: public, response: itachi, classification: private, response: aaron, response: sasori, classification: ic, subject: planning, response: wiskay

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Comments 82

digital_fangs August 30 2007, 18:03:11 UTC
If you go to the hospital, please do tell me what you find there.


a_failed_god August 30 2007, 18:51:30 UTC
Even privacy seems somewhat unattainable.

Perhaps. I will undoubtedly write some manner of report when I return.

Alternatively... what are your abilities? You look somewhat like a specimen I once had.


digital_fangs August 30 2007, 18:56:39 UTC
I'm a digital being. Computers are rather easy for me. Apologies?

My abilities? Most of them seem to have been sealed upon arrival to this place. Now I have little.
I'm not sure I like the sound of that.


a_failed_god August 30 2007, 19:12:23 UTC
... Digital, you say?

A pity. I'm not a fighter; an escort will probably be a necessity. You need not be concerned. He was ultimately released without harm.


unforgivencurse August 30 2007, 18:30:10 UTC
Nothing comes easy here...


a_failed_god August 30 2007, 19:12:33 UTC
It appears so.

... You know of several of the inhabitants, don't you?


unforgivencurse August 30 2007, 19:44:03 UTC
I...well yes. I've met a few people.


i_must_repent August 30 2007, 19:03:36 UTC
I would be interested in discovering more about the hospital. When do you think you will be further investigating the location?


Strikethroughs deleted. <3 a_failed_god August 30 2007, 19:33:50 UTC
I have some preparations to make, but I would prefer to do this as soon as possible. While I'm interested in seeking protection in order to enter there, if necessary, I'm perfectly willing to try without it.

You are welcome to accompany. Safety in numbers, probability of being the one under attack is halved and all that.


(Oh, Hojo, you're so <i>pragmatic</i>.) i_must_repent August 30 2007, 20:48:24 UTC
Being that the case, I would be highly willing to accompany you when you are prepared.


( He should run for President. ) a_failed_god August 30 2007, 20:58:10 UTC
I'm intrigued. What interests you there?


somes_auditus August 30 2007, 23:25:25 UTC
Hey, sweetheart? Can I ask you something? Pleeease?


a_failed_god August 31 2007, 00:28:41 UTC
... sweetheart?

Nobody's stopping you.


somes_auditus August 31 2007, 00:37:37 UTC
Would you prefer sugarplum?


What sort of specimens? Also, you won't find anything on your lists here. The hospital is hardly a hospital. It's more like a building of rooms.

If you interfere with my own lists, you'll find yourself strung up like a gutted squirrel.


a_failed_god August 31 2007, 00:53:38 UTC
My name is Professor Hojo, and that is what you will call me.

That would depend on the specimens in question. There is little I haven't tried.

Oh? Am I expected simply to take your word for it? Supplies must come from somewhere. If what I find at the hospital is worthless, I will construct what I need for myself. There are enough buildings one can break down into their basic parts.

Hee. You think too little of me and too much of yourself. You have yet to earn any interest.


tsukuyomitachii August 31 2007, 00:46:59 UTC
It would seem. Perhaps you would have relied too much on technology back in your world.


a_failed_god August 31 2007, 01:08:21 UTC
... Perhaps.

However, with or without technology, there is a need for specific raw materials before one can construct certain things - and many of the things I need couldn't be made well in these conditions, or aren't something I would be capable of making at all.

And if these are things that can't be retrieved on the lower levels even with money, I am placed in a difficult position.


tsukuyomitachii August 31 2007, 01:14:17 UTC
Improvise then. We all had to do it. I don't see why you couldn't. As for raw materials, I would think you'd find enough if you search thoroughly...

That is indeed a problem, but you aren't the only one facing such. The 'Gods' have inconvenienced all much, it wold seem. Though some less than the others.


a_failed_god August 31 2007, 01:18:04 UTC
A thorough search is intended, but it seems the rug is being pulled out from under me.

I greatly suspect my needs are slightly different from most. But... we shall see. I won't give in before my interests are satisfied.


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