Spoiler Post Update

Aug 19, 2010 11:47

For the open event that we are holding in week 84, here is some more information.  This is a good starting point for anyone interested in participating.  Feel free to pass a link to this around to anyone that's interested.

Premise (aka wtf is going on):

All characters will wake up in Abyss from the RP Neo Genesis.  This seedy, treacherous underbelly is far from welcoming.  Characters will have their weapons and their full powers released.  Characters that are subjects of the Facility will be sporting black collars.  All guest characters will be sporting collars in any color except black.  Guest characters can also assign a random number and letter combination that would be engraved on the collar, or leave it blank.  Facility subjects will have their room number on their collar as usual.

There will be no native inhabitants outside of the participating guest characters.

All characters will have a communicator on them when they wake up.  Facility subjects, this is nothing new.  For guest characters, this is a device that will look rather similar to a Blackberry that provides audio, video, and text posting to a network.  This is a network unlike any your character has seen, so don't expect to be locking and hacking a lot from the start.  It will take a couple days to get used to it.  Information on hacking can be found here.  Also, these will be referred to as faciliberries OOCly, just to clear up potential confusion.

There will be no experiments or outside influence.  The characters have been dropped into Abyss, and now they will explore and squabble.  They will need to secure food, water, shelter, and all of the other goodies they need to exist.  Try to survive the two weeks, and try to not level the city in week one.

The Rules (aka how to not annoy the mods):

1.)  No Wank.  Wank will result in a writer being banned from the open event.
2.)  No Godmodding.  Ask before doing something to another person's character.
3.)  No fourth walling.  Carrying over memories from another game is fine, or knowing another character from another game, or knowing about a characters past or future.  No one is allowed to go 'you're just a cartoon I watch at home!!!!'.  That's a level of psychological break even the Facility isn't up for.  Doing this is a ban worthy offense.
4.)  Play nice.  This is going to be cracky and fun and more than a bit insane.  Play nicely in the sand box.
5.)  If a post is tagged 'no open event please', please don't tag it with a guest character.  We have given our writers the option to not be involved in the open part of this trip to Facility 3.


Do they have any money?
There's no one to pay for anything, so no.  But if they want to crack open some abandoned registers and get cash, go for it.

I had a character at Neo Genesis, can they play?  Can they remember their game memories?
Absolutely!  We're encouraging this!

How long will this last?
Two weeks.

I'm not a member of the community, and it's moderated.  How can my character post to the network?
Each day at 12:01 am EST (or there abouts) a mod post will go up.   All guest posts to the network for that day will go under that post.  It will help keep the friends page from getting overly cluttered.  If your guest character is going to be in a log, one of the Facility writers will need to start it, or ping a mod and we'll start something for you.  If there are enough requests, there will be some standing logs for guests to participate in.

Can we blow up the city?
It's practically tradition.  Please warn the mods ahead of time if there will be any massive damage done to the city.  No apocalypse style powers without mod approval first.

What's a damage report?  Can I post one?
A damage report is a post to the OOC community to let everyone know about some damage that has occurred.  You need to be a member of the OOC comm to post to it, so either ping a mod or ask another writer to help you out if you need to put one up.  Damage reports are highly encouraged for anything like leveling a building or anything that will affect other players.

What happens if a character dies?
Your character is dead.  If you want your character to come back, ping a mod.  It takes a couple days to bring a character back, so be prepared to have them out for a bit.

Do we need to app for this event?  What about my OC/AU character?
No one needs to app, and it's open to OCs and AUs.  We are allowing duplicates of existing characters as well.  it's pretty much open season.

I want to come in and just screw with people.
Please don't.  If you do, we'll ask you politely to leave.  Then ban you.  This is pretendy fun times and we're giving everyone a shot to come and torture their characters in our sand box for a couple weeks.  Torture the characters, not each other.

I still have questions.
Mod contact information is on the user info for all of the communities.  Feel free to ping any of the mod staff on AIM, through PM, or drop us an e-mail.  We're here to help.

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