Who: Karkat and absolutely anybody else.
When: Wednesday to Saturday.
Where: Biodome ish.
Summary: BIODOME WING FLYING PARTY LOG. Come in. Make threads. Tag other threads. Action or prose. It'll be awesome.
Rating: PG-13, and who knows what else.
Warnings: Horrifying wingfic antics.
She said we need more thrust. )
Comments 357
[All the same, he can be witnesses making a spirited attempt at flying on multiple days in the biodome. Of course he's swearing a lot of falling a bit while doing so, but he's definitely trying.]
[He can occasionally be found perching in and jumping out of trees. Try not to get fallen on.]
KK, you look like a moron.
Wow, holy shit, I am so glad I bothered leaving the block to come out here and enjoy a good burst of turf in my face! Really, it is just what I needed!
Yeah, cause sitting in your room alone is totally preferable to trying to fly. You'd be that one flightbeast that was too scared to leave the twig-hive wouldn't you.
Nearly could be really if you want LL. Last I checked there wasn't a law against psionic flying.
...They're just wings. They don't even smell interesting.
I guess they wouldn't. But your's have a cool edge.
[He stretches his own light gray wings out behind him.]
Mine are just all the same color.
So Raz will be flitting around the facility on bright, if not glowing, white wings, enjoying himself quite a bit. Most of his time will be spent in the biodome due to the space, and also for the fact that he can reach the far corners of the ceiling to continue looking for Secret Exits That Totally Exist Or At Least Raz Is Sure They Will If He Looks Hard Enough.
But mostly just enjoying himself and showing off his acrobatic skills by doing flips n' shit.]
Because comedy dictates it so.
While Lili curses, proving she has learned some interesting language from the facility. Catching herself from falling too far down with levitation when her wings have no idea what to do. No levitation ball needed as she just floats frustratedly for a moment.
It increasing when she sees its Raz she crashed into.]
Being much less graceful, Raz flops around in the air and falls a bit farther than Lili before catching himself on the tail end of a levitation ball. He looks up as he's sinking down to see who he hit- oh. He flaps his wings a few times, finding that by using the levitation balloon in conjunction with his wings, he can sort of hover without having to flap his wings too much. He flaps harder to get back up to her height first, using that method to hover in front of her.]
Hi, Lili. [His tone's a little low, as he expects her to start insulting and/or blaming him any minute now, and he had so been enjoying his good mood.]
I like your wings. [She vaguely is trying to be nice. Not too forced, just trying to make amends.] I didn't think they could be that- white.
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