Who: Temari and Shikamaru
When: Sunday morning of mud week
Where: Ninja rooms
Summary: The ninja couple has been making a lot of progress since week 103, but there are a couple things they haven't faced yet.
Rating: R
Warnings: Discussion of week 103 (sexual assault), male anatomy with a mind of it's own, and definite awkwardness
Or are you just happy to see me )
Comments 28
He shifted toward Temari, eyebrows furrowing when the change in her breathing pushed him closer to consciousness. Even half-asleep, he could feel the tension in his partner, and after a few moments he cracked one eye open to peer over at her.
"Shikamaru? Do you --"
His eyes went wide and he jerked away, reaching back with one hand to steady himself and pull away further, hitting... air. He was too close to the side of their shared bed and, unprepared for the sudden need to move, tumbled over the edge, landing with a very unexpected splat in the mud below.
"Are you okay?"
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