Who: All the trolls, minus Vriska
Where: Suite 7's common room
When: Whenever the trolls decide to get there on Thursday morning
What: Vriska wanted everybody to get together in one place. Too bad she missed her own meeting.
Rating: PG-13, maybe, for likely language?
Warnings: ...Every troll in the facility is in one tiny area.
but we are what we are 'til the day we die )
Comments 6
A quick check of her room didn't turn up anything unusual, which was both good and bad. The last thing they needed was another termination right now, so at least her things were still there... but she wasn't, and that was worrisome.
And there wasn't a lot she could do about it. That was the most infuriating thing about disappearances. The only thing she could do was park herself on the couch and wait for everyone else to show.
"What's up TZ? She still asleep?" he asks as he takes a seat on the couch next to her.
"She's missing. Everything's still there, except her." There might be a slight fidget of unease, but Terezi is trying her hardest not to show how worried she is.
"How long have you been here? She might just be getting a food bar or something."
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