RIKU → fortieth dawn || video

Jan 22, 2012 12:34

[He's sitting on his bed, a jar in his lap. Observers who have been here long enough and know him well will be able to pick out that it's the jar of light Sora once gave him -- darkened now, since Sora's light is gone. The 'berry is propped against the pillow.]

... I thought I'd be able to handle it better, when he left again.

[But he's not ( Read more... )

c: kate bishop, c: darc, c: roxas, c: naminé, riku, c: allen walker, c: yukina

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Comments 117

permavid. brevipennate January 22 2012, 18:08:08 UTC
[riku ): her brow is furrowed with worry, and she tilts her head. who'd left?]


permavid. the_daybreak January 22 2012, 18:13:25 UTC
Hey, Nill.

[Her concerned face makes him smile a little.]

Sorry to make you worry. Just missing someone, that's all. The little boy.


brevipennate January 22 2012, 19:15:26 UTC
[sora? oh, she'd liked him. her face falls, and her wings droop. she's sorry that he's gone.]


the_daybreak January 23 2012, 00:19:05 UTC
Do you want to know something about him?


linkingmemories January 22 2012, 20:19:17 UTC
It's never easy to lose someone, Riku. You don't have to "handle" it any better.

[She is watching the jar, and she blinks in surprise when it starts barely, faintly glowing all of a sudden.]



the_daybreak January 23 2012, 00:27:34 UTC
I'd already lost him. I'd accepted that. I just...

[He's noticed as well, staring quietly. Something about it makes his heart clench.]

It's never... it's never done anything. As soon as he was gone it... went out.


linkingmemories January 23 2012, 20:45:50 UTC
But it's starting to light up again. Do you think...?


the_daybreak January 25 2012, 11:18:14 UTC
I'm not sure what I think. I don't want to think anything too hopeful.


historyrabbit January 22 2012, 20:34:17 UTC
Think that's what I hate about those kinds of experiments the most.

[Sucks to lose everyone again.]


the_daybreak January 23 2012, 00:27:55 UTC
I hear you.

... I'm sorry.


historyrabbit January 23 2012, 00:45:23 UTC
I'm sorry too, yeah? Hopefully they'll stop it with that kind of experiment. Haven't repeated things more than twice anyway.


the_daybreak January 23 2012, 00:47:13 UTC
No, but you never know. At least they spread it out when they do repeat it.


[Voice] darc_nidellia January 22 2012, 20:36:29 UTC
Would you have preferred it if they hadn't brought him back, these past two weeks?

[His voice is entirely emotionless, but the question is genuine rather than accusing, seeing as he's just lost Lilia, too. That, and mixed feelings over Izaya's termination, even though he'd had a feeling that was going to happen]


[Voice] the_daybreak January 23 2012, 00:29:13 UTC
I... don't know.

I'm happy that they did. At the same time... all those wounds just... reopened, you know?

[He was kind of expecting that one, too. He hopes Izaya's being gone doesn't hurt Darc horribly, but he imagines there's a weird sort of relief there.]


[Voice] darc_nidellia January 23 2012, 00:47:27 UTC
[It hurts terribly, but as Riku expects there is also relief, and guilt...but no surprise. In any case, it's over now and he's trying to waste as little time thinking on it as possible. There's a pause before he answers]

Yeah. I know.

[An in-drawn breath]

I'd have preferred it if they didn't come. But I guess it was kinda good to see her, one last time.


[Voice] the_daybreak January 23 2012, 00:48:24 UTC
... What was she like, Darc? I didn't get a chance to speak with her, but I saw you with her a couple of times. She was from home, right?


video; tears_of_gems January 22 2012, 21:06:46 UTC
Did you need company?


video; the_daybreak January 23 2012, 00:29:49 UTC

... would you mind, terribly, if I asked for it?


video; tears_of_gems January 23 2012, 00:47:24 UTC
Of course not. I'm happy to come over. Please give me a moment.

[And she'll be knocking on the door after about 5.]


video; the_daybreak January 23 2012, 00:51:07 UTC
[He gets up, bringing the jar with him to the door. It's held in one arm as he opens it, blinking at her.]

... Hi.


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