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Comments 50

[video] hung_garian December 7 2011, 22:44:53 UTC
Hm. Sounds like a job for the Ghostbusters.

[Yeah, he's assuming she's affected by the experiment this week, as opposed to just possessed or crazy. Which meaaaaans that he needs to be involved, for blackmail purposes - or more likely just taunting. And it's totally not because he's concerned. Not at all.]

Just for the record, how much - on a scale of one to ten - do you feel like pea soup right now?


[video] killer_kick December 7 2011, 22:52:34 UTC
Oh, that would be so much better than the, your father's dead, Gabriel, the foodbars.


[video] hung_garian December 7 2011, 23:02:17 UTC
[And of the many, many buttons she could have pressed... that wasn't actually one of them. What are the chances? Have a slightly muffled snicker instead.]

Yeah, quite a lot better, I'd say. Those are my least favorite foodbars.


[video] killer_kick December 7 2011, 23:18:18 UTC
[Her face twitches and she snarls briefly before her expression settles back into puzzlement]

Whatever do you mean, Mr Gabriel? There's only one type of foodbar.

And there's only one place for you. You're going to burn!


video alma_karma December 7 2011, 22:56:33 UTC
Emilia?! What's wrong?


Re: video killer_kick December 7 2011, 23:12:54 UTC
Oh, sweet little Alma, don't you worry your little head.

Your friends are burning. Sora went in the incinerator and he's burning still!


Re: video alma_karma December 7 2011, 23:17:10 UTC
Wh-What? Emilia-...?


Re: video killer_kick December 7 2011, 23:22:07 UTC
You're going to burn with that little cocksucker soon!


harry_b_dresden December 7 2011, 23:28:08 UTC
[Harry stares for a bit, just... tired. Scared. This wasn't what he'd wanted to deal with.]

Emilia, I'm going to have to exorcise you.

[or put her in a magic circle that shorts out technology and see what happens.]


killer_kick December 7 2011, 23:41:02 UTC
But you're not a priest!

[She then starts to laugh, low and mocking]

What an excellent day for an exorcism.


harry_b_dresden December 8 2011, 01:13:06 UTC
Oh be quiet, both of you.

I just have to find out if you're using her real body so I can decide if I'm going to restrain you until reset or put you down.


killer_kick December 9 2011, 00:00:03 UTC
You won't get rid of me, witch.

Harry, what's happening? I can't work it out!


in person inspector_link December 7 2011, 23:30:15 UTC
[Oh, hell no. This'll be Link kicking your door in, bracing himself with one crutch and his free hand on the door frame.]


Re: in person killer_kick December 7 2011, 23:48:01 UTC
[There's a second's pause before she startles at the door breaking in]

Inspector Howard, this isn't proper at all!

[She spasms slightly and chokes before she starts growling]

It's too late for her, Crow.


Re: in person inspector_link December 7 2011, 23:52:14 UTC
I've had enough of these games.

[He moves through the doorway. Looks like that single crutch is the only one he brought with him. He needs a hand free, after all.]


Re: in person killer_kick December 8 2011, 23:58:50 UTC
Let's play a new game.

[She writhes upon the bed, lifting her nightgown and rolling her hips at Link]

Come on, fuck me! Lick me!


empyreanistic December 8 2011, 00:03:34 UTC
[It's bad if America just.. applauds, right? With a hugely wicked grin on his face]


killer_kick December 8 2011, 23:47:32 UTC
[Emilia grins back and laughs throatily]


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