Spinach-Feta Scrolls/Rolls

Apr 14, 2023 00:30

I wanted to make something with spinach and feta for Easter for some reason. I was brain storming a pork roast roll up with the two items in the middle but then switched gears to making a bread instead because the leftovers from the rolled up roast would not be as flexible for future meals ( Read more... )

feta cheese, rolls, bread, yeast, spinach

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Comments 7

spikesgirl58 April 14 2023, 13:30:42 UTC
They look yummy!


a_boleyn April 14 2023, 19:35:44 UTC
Thank you. They are good.


edgeofthewoods May 25 2023, 16:24:05 UTC
Mmm, like a spanakopita, which I adore!


a_boleyn May 25 2023, 19:57:51 UTC
Exactly. The original pastry recipe uses baking powder instead of yeast so it's faster to make. More like a biscuit.


edgeofthewoods May 26 2023, 15:57:08 UTC
Yum! I have some frozen from Costco, I am going to go put them in the oven for lunch now!


a_boleyn May 26 2023, 17:15:32 UTC
Sounds good. I bought some samosas from a local Indian grocery store earlier in the week and froze them away. Microwaved a couple for lunch with a bowl of canned cream of mushroom soup. Gonna take a nap soon. Got up after only about 4 hrs of sleep cause I went with my nephew to the Romanian consulate this morning to do any translating if necessary. It wasn't so I was just company for him. He had to fill out an application for a Romanian passport ... got his citizenship certificate recently.


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