Happy St. Paddy's Day!

Mar 17, 2021 16:06

As close as I can get to an Irish meal to celebrate the occasion.

Corned beef brisket, colcannon and carrots.

I forgot to buy any beer but a nice pint glass of an Irish beer (is Harp beer good?) would be a nice accompaniment, I think. Dessert will be a slice of cran-apple pie though a piece of I rish "Brick" cake with some custard sauce might be ( Read more... )

potatoes, irish, carrots, cabbage, veggies, green onion, picspam, holiday, corned beef

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Comments 13

edgeofthewoods March 17 2021, 21:15:23 UTC
Oooh, I am jealous! We don't have a seasonal meal planned for this evening.

Enjoy your St. Patrick's Day supper!


a_boleyn March 17 2021, 22:03:44 UTC
Thank you. I hadn't planned on making anything seasonal but I skipped a couple of things on my grocery list so that freed up some cash ... still blew the budget for the month. Luckily I only spent about 2/3 of the budget on Jan and Feb. The brisket was NOT cheap. The joys of living on a budget. :)


edgeofthewoods March 18 2021, 14:54:12 UTC
It isn't cheap! And things are not getting any more affordable, sigh.


a_boleyn March 18 2021, 15:54:21 UTC
My retirement/last day of work was Feb 26. First gov't cheques start March 30. Until they start rolling in on schedule I'm a bit concerned although the official numbers suggest I'm going to be ok ... and I have savings but there's always that uncertainty.


spikesgirl58 March 18 2021, 12:48:33 UTC
Well doen. :DD


a_boleyn March 18 2021, 15:56:00 UTC
Thank you. It's tasty and worth the purchase. My first attempt at colcannon turned out well ... 5 servings out of 1/4 of the cabbage. I have another 3/4 of the cabbage to get through in the next month. :)


spikesgirl58 March 18 2021, 20:25:43 UTC
I'm seeing a lot of cole slaw in your future.


a_boleyn March 18 2021, 20:29:06 UTC
Maybe some cabbage roll soup. I'm going to be eating my way through the 6-8 servings of soup I have already as freezer space is at a premium.


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