Pumpkin Fudge and Pies/Tarts

Oct 30, 2019 23:22

I haven't bought a can of pumpkin puree in six to seven years but I decided to make my first ever pumpkin pie this Thanksgiving, so I picked up a can. It was even on sale.

But before attempting the pumpkin pie, I made something that I haven't tasted for even longer ... pumpkin fudge. My first taste of that rather unique flavour came from the ( Read more... )

dessert, soup, fudge, pie, veggies, picspam, holiday, thanksgiving, candy

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Comments 5

spikesgirl58 October 31 2019, 16:20:44 UTC
Oo, the pie and the soup look good. I'll have that recipe off you!


a_boleyn October 31 2019, 16:42:09 UTC
This is the soup recipe I used. I only had 1 cup (400 gm) of the pureed pumpkin so I cut back a bit on the stock. Didn't bother with the chickpeas.



spikesgirl58 October 31 2019, 17:18:21 UTC
Sounds yummy. I needed a good recipe for this weekend, too. :D


edgeofthewoods December 5 2019, 20:52:33 UTC
Oooh, pumpkin fudge is a great idea! I'm sorry it didn't turn out as well as the confectionery store's, they must have secret ingredient. Can you nail what the missing flavour was?


a_boleyn December 5 2019, 22:57:04 UTC
The pumpkin fudge was made by my brother for my SIL's chocolate shop. I never did ask him for the recipe though I imagine it was a 5-10 pound batch. :)


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