Basic Breakfast Quinoa and Nectarine Murabba/Compote

Aug 10, 2017 22:20

I don't eat breakfast, as I generally don't have time to do so, but this basic 'porridge' recipe inspired by Martha Stewart, featuring quinoa, might solve that problem in the future.

Basic Breakfast Quinoa

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dessert, breakfast, quinoa, recipe, fruit

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Comments 5

spikesgirl58 August 11 2017, 11:49:51 UTC
Aw, finally breakfast food to lust over first thing in the morning! :D It all looks much yummier than my piece of toast and hard boiled egg. :D


a_boleyn August 11 2017, 16:03:57 UTC
Breakfast recipes are rarely posted on my LJ so I'm excited too. :)

I had a bowl yesterday but right now, all I want is a coffee.


spikesgirl58 August 11 2017, 20:45:58 UTC
I know the feeling. I want a cup of tea very badly right now. I'm just too lazy to go downstairs and make one. :P


a_boleyn August 11 2017, 21:27:50 UTC
Going up and down the stairs for food, coffee and snacks is about all the activity I get during the summer. Speaking of ... I want another cup of coffee. :)


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