Quick Update

Mar 11, 2017 16:30

Wow, it's been more than three weeks since I last posted. I haven't been busy in RL, it's just that there's nothing postworthy going on in my kitchen as I'm mostly eating out of the freezer. And how many bread recipes does anyone need to see? I bought a package of razorblades and made my own lame cause you need those nice slashes on French ( Read more... )

writer's block

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Comments 6

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a_boleyn March 11 2017, 23:02:42 UTC
Looking back over the last month or so there were lots of things I could thaw and eat ... beef and spinach curry, duck and pork cassoulet, beef pot pie etc. Even baked off the last 14 of the Xmas chocolate chip cookies balls from the freezer. There was Oreo cheesecake, bread pudding and date/shredded coconut/ mango loaf for dessert. Even some chocolate mint fudge.


spikesgirl58 March 12 2017, 12:40:22 UTC
Boy, you sound as tired as I feel. It seems like no matter what I do these days I cannot catch up.

Honestly, we haven't been doing much in the way of adventurous cooking either. By the time I get into the kitchen at night, I just want to be done and eating. Hopefully this will soon pass for both of us.


a_boleyn March 12 2017, 18:40:53 UTC
Tired and kind of depressed to be honest. Snow predicted for this week. Miserable March break. :(


spikesgirl58 March 12 2017, 18:49:33 UTC
*hugs* I'm sorry to hear that. March was always the worst month for me back in Vermont. Even in Reno it was hard.

Sorry your break was awful, too.


a_boleyn March 12 2017, 18:55:14 UTC
March break starts tomorrow but I'm not looking forward to the miserable weather predicted even though I'll be staying in.

Yesterday and today it's cold but sunny and bright. :)


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