Fun Cooking ... Roasts/Sides, Puddings, Condiments etc

Jun 17, 2016 01:00

As my LJ says, "Cooking is Fun ... Really".

You can make big flashy dishes like a rosemary and garlic rubbed boneless lamb shoulder roast ($4.99/lb)  ...

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dessert, potatoes, pork, drinks, cheese, recipe, veggies, pasta, pudding, lamb, picspam, fruit, chocolate

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Comments 19

iulia_linnea June 17 2016, 11:45:24 UTC
I just ate breakfast and am now hungry again. I can practically smell your delicious-looking food!


a_boleyn June 17 2016, 15:47:10 UTC
Thank you. There were pics of some pretty appetizing dishes there.


spikesgirl58 June 17 2016, 13:27:58 UTC
Okay, it's official. it doesn't matter when I read your stuff - you always make me hungry. I wish I could hire you as my personal chef.


a_boleyn June 17 2016, 15:49:10 UTC
Thank you. It was a fun couple of weeks of playing in the kitchen.


spikesgirl58 June 17 2016, 16:15:32 UTC
It does look like you enjoy cooking so much - you can tell by your final products. nothing looks that good without love and care poured into it.


a_boleyn June 17 2016, 16:30:38 UTC
Everyone has to eat. Might as well have fun doing so. I usually combine something I've already made with something new to make it easier on myself.


theoddbirdrant June 17 2016, 14:55:53 UTC
I am drooling like Homer Simpson at everything, especially that lamb shoulder!


a_boleyn June 17 2016, 15:48:11 UTC
LOL ... the vacuum sealed packages were convenient to open and throw into the oven with minimal fussing.


edgeofthewoods June 17 2016, 23:16:48 UTC
You are making me crazy with all this amazing food!!!!


a_boleyn June 17 2016, 23:21:50 UTC
It's really not that special but thank you for the compliment. I had leftover spaghetti and meat sauce for supper today so I made a batch of crackers using sourdough starter that I was going to discard ... could have made pancakes but just didn't feel like it. Maybe with the cup of starter I'll have tomorrow.


edgeofthewoods June 17 2016, 23:50:54 UTC
Hah! Well you inspired me to have pasta for lunch!


a_boleyn June 17 2016, 23:53:16 UTC
Hope it tasted amazing. :)


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