I think Peter might be on the level of the Observers now - that they created him to work the machine to fix Timeline 1 (which would have been the destruction of both universes), so that we're now in Timeline 2. I'm not sure if he's retro-actively wiped from the world, a la Rory and the crack in Who, or if it's made so that he died as a child still - because otherwise, how are they going to explain Walter going Over There in the first place?
Well, Walter & Belly were already experimenting with crossing over in the AU before Peter #1 died, but if there's no Peter a lot of the stuff that happened since season 1 wouldn't have happened, most specifically Our!Livia wouldn't have had sufficient motivation to go to the Other Side so most of season 3 didn't happen? But then they'd know next to nothing about the other universe and wouldn't have found the machine. Or even sent it back in time in the first place. It's more timey-wimey than Doctor Who at this point.
Comments 2
My head.
Oy. Now I'm just confusing myself.
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