About Me:
Name: Kavik
Age: 17
Height: 5'3"
Birthday: June 21st
Hobbies: Writing, drawing, playing with animals, being on the computer
Color(s): Red, blue, silver, black
Food: Lasagna
Drink: Diet Mtn. Dew
Movie genre: Horror/Comedy
Fiction genre: Fantasy (Not sci-fi fantasy, though)
Likes: Animals, people, JRock, writing, drawing, music, RPing
Dislikes: Anti-gay people, abuse, people picking on my friends, being left out, making people I like angry or upset
About alice nine.:
alice nine. is for you: Everything. alice nine. means a lot to me, and I seriously mean it. They've helped me a lot through bad times.
Favorite member: Saga
Reason: I can relate to him a lot.
Favorite song: "Kiseki" and "FOLLOW ME"
Favorite PV: NUMBER SIX.