About Me:
Name: Sarah
Age: 18
Height: 5'7"
Birthday: August 22
Hobbies: Collecting Barbie dolls and teddy bears, writing, singing, drawing, learning music, being weird
Color(s): Red, blue, black
Food: Pizza! And cheesecake
Drink: Water or juice
Movie genre: Horror, foreign, indie
Fiction genre: Angst, death, smut
Likes: Muisc, books, writing, reading, animals, children, cute things, pretty things, 19th century, the 50s, the 80s
Dislikes: Mean people, anger, hurt, sadness, hunger, bugs, snakes, annoying things
About alice nine.:
alice nine. is for you: Eye-candy
Favorite member: I love them equally and I cannot choose...
Reason: They are all adorable and there isn't one I love beyond all others. They each have special and unique qualities I adore about them *shrug*
Favorite song: Rainbows
Favorite PV: ditto