About Me:
Name: Kathleen
Age: 20
Height: 5'5"
Birthday: Oct 20th
Hobbies: Photography, art, writing, internet games, racing, basketball. I've somehow come to make hobbies out of things I actually hate doing-- layouts, html, graphic design, English music and soundtracks...Neopets.
Color(s): Green, Orange, Purple and Pink depending on the circumstance. I own a lot of black things though...
Food: .... Tamales? I don't know. I've been living off ramen so long, I don't really remember.
Drink: Creme Soda, Sobe Fruit Punch, Sobe Dragonfruit
Movie genre: Drama, action/adventure, comedy. I've been really into medical dramas lately. (House M.D., Team Medical Dragon, Code Blue, etc.)
Fiction genre: Fantasy, romance, drama.
Likes: Creme Soda. I have a love/hate relationship with writing. I adore sleeping; photography in general,; foreign music, rock music, piano, violin and classical guitar; anything that's green orange or purple; glitter nail polish; colorful clothes; cheap/fake jewelry; Asian dramas, Asian decor, posters.
Dislikes: Being woke up, being left out, being ignored, certain people, talking on the phone, the usual snakes/crocodiles/alligators/sharks/bugs and wank.
About alice nine.:
alice nine. is for you: They're an amazing band that I will follow till the end.
Favorite member: Shou.
Reason: He's one of three people I allow myself to fangirl over, and one of very few who made my list of favorite vocalists (I'm very picky about vocalists). And damn, he's seriously the prettiest person I've ever laid eyes on.
Favorite song: Rainbows or Kochou Ran
Favorite PV: Rainbows
And since I feel that all the above answers probably didn't give a very accurate portrait of me;
Personality: I'm quite friendly when you first get to know me and it can be very deceiving. The more you get to know me and the more I get to know you, I become slightly standoffish if not intimidating (though I really don't try to be). I only get really personal with those I trust enough to be close to me. Those that do get close to me know that I'm loyal even though I'm not always loving. They know I have horrible ADD and that I often skip from one moment to another with no explanation in between. I have a sarcastic and dry sense of humor. I'm sometimes too honest for my own good, but I usually have the sense to keep my mouth shut when I should. I'm critical, but considerate when I have to be. Sometimes I give off the false impression that I care when I really don't. I don't do the caps-lock-hyper-randomness thing that seems to be the fad nowadays. I do, however, have fangirl moments where I turn into a blubbering idiot, but that's only over musicians who I truly respect and love. Shou would be one of them.
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