About Me:
Name: Wendy
Age: 13
Height: 161cm
Birthday: August 19th
Hobbies: Reading, going on the computer, talking to friends
Colours: Yellow, purple, lilac, orange.
Foods: Stir fried vegetables, chicken, chocolate, nuts
Drink: Water
Movie Genre: Comedy and animated ones like Pixar
Fiction Genre: Fantasy, action/spy
Likes: Origami, music, bass guitar, photoshop, reading and randomness
Dislikes: Racism, hate, people that pick on me, guys that think that they are more superior than girls, Maths & Science
About alice nine.:
alice nine. is for you: a comfort when I am sad and inspiration.
Favourite member: Shou
Reason: He thinks a lot about fans and has respect for them. Shou listens to fans and they help keep on going.
Favourite song: Fantasy
Favourite pv: Velvet