Tired of the Royal Wedding hype? Couldn't care less about cakes and canapes? Bored of the same footage being shown over and over? Fear not! I have an antidote! Of the Merlin/Arthur variety!
Yes, how much cooler would the Royal Wedding have been had it been between Merlin and Arthur?
(blame goes to
thisissirius for giving me the idea. *cough
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He does regret it, later; he has a heart, after all, and a good sense of guilt, and in retrospect he shouldn’t have been so rude to someone who is apparently going to run the country someday. But frankly, he really doesn’t see why it matters.
Arthur’s not looking at him the next Tuesday, when their class next meets, and Merlin takes the unrepentant line of his profile to be the answer he’d expected; ha, Merlin thinks triumphantly, inwardly crowing and pushing away the still-lingering strains of his guilt over being impolite, because see, Arthur is just as much a sore attention-seeking loser who can’t get over not being loved and all-popular as Will and his violently anti-government hippie friends had promised him, and Merlin is justified. He’s got proof ( ... )
I really enjoyed this and how the destiny thing is worked in. *happy sigh* <3
“Why anyone else, when I could have you.”
<3 <3 <3
And 15 made me cry.
This was the best declaration of love ever: (The way Arthur curls around him, sighs, says, “It’s-I just-look, you can say you don’t want this, because I know it’s complicated as hell and you were never really. . . You can tell me that, if you’re scared to-“ and Merlin just tells him to shut up, that’s kind of insulting, and he’s the idiot between the two of them. And later when Merlin asks, quiet, “Why me? When you could have-”
The way Arthur touches him, and says, red across his cheekbones, “Why anyone else, when I could have you.”) These two and this love story fill my heart with glee.
The way Arthur touches him, and says, red across his cheekbones, “Why anyone else, when I could have you.”
Merlin living in the fishbowl along with Arthur and realizing just how strong Arthur has had to be to get through every fucking day in that fishbowl alone and just sucking it up and living was wonderful. He's going to be strong enough to do this day after day with Arthur. It's fantastic.
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