Buffy Season 8: Issue 39, Last Gleaning, part 4 - GUH!

Dec 02, 2010 20:21

By called, I mean that I had absolutely no idea of the plot (I've never guessed a Joss plot turn) but...

way back when Angel and Buffy had sex in every conceivable position and every conceivable place (including seeeeexxxx innnnn spaccccce), I sad that this meant that the eventual angst would kill me.

Angel just Jenny Calendared Giles.

That's right folks. Angel murdered Giles.

True, Angel was sort of out of his mind at the time, but still.

And once again, the Angel/Buffy saga tops the Spike/Buffy saga.

Spike and Buffy sex brings down a house. Angel and Buffy sex cause a sonic boom.

Spike tries to rape Buffy but doens't succeed. Angel snaps the neck of Buffy's father figure.

In conclusion, Angel's life sucks more than a hungry baby going for a nipple.

(And yes, I still love the comics.)

btvs season 8

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