[Fic - Yullen Week -Day3] What's Yours is Mine (To Steal and Hide and Not Give Back)

Dec 22, 2010 07:25

Title: What Yours is Mine (To Steal and Hide and Not Give Back)
Author: a1y_puff
Fandom: D. Gray-Man
Pairing: DUH. Yullen Week anyone? :/
Genre: Umm. Daily-life-ish/humor?
Summary: Allen wasn’t sure how it had started and who started that first, but lately, hiding each other’s things when they were pissed was… common occurrence.
Word Count: ~2900
Warning: AU. Possible OOC-ness, dorky alert, randomness-and did I say dorky?
Disclaimer: What do you think? I don’t even own a laptop *sighs*
Beta: hakasha (Who is awesome for being super-fast)

A/N: So. I managed to finish this sooner than I thought, although in consequence, this is-shorter than the previous two installments. Although the developments I want is already there, so I guess it’s fine :)

By the way, thanks to harmony283for giving the idea and the title, to hakasha for the fun time we had coming up for the things to hide, and to pinkxpiano for the idea and help. :D

Yullen Week, Day 3
Theme: Game

“So how’s life with Prince Charming?”

Allen frowned at the phone, one hand still fiddling with a small bar of chocolate he was getting out of the refrigerator. The white-haired youth managed to open the wrapper now and he took a bite before answering, “Did you mean ‘Prick Charming’?” and he snorted in amusement at that. Yes, Kanda was charming-but a prick nonetheless.

Lenalee laughed at that. “You were the one who said he wasn’t so bad. Didn’t he try to bake cookies for you last time? That’s so sweet, you know.”

“Well-too bad the result wasn’t as sweet as the gesture,” Allen mumbled to the phone, and it really was just to not let Lenalee know how it still put a stupid grin on his face every time he remembered it. Though Lenalee never stopped teasing him about it ever since he’d told her about the-stolen cookies.

“It doesn’t change the fact that he can be sweet. Now I really want to meet this guy~.”

“Oh yes, you’ll love his hair-not the person,” Allen laughed a little even as he bent to get a better look at the insides of the fridge. There really wasn’t much in it, so finding an item that didn’t belong in there should be easy. He didn’t find it there, alright. “And speaking of which, if you’d excuse me, I need to find my shaving foam. Kanda is getting creative.”

“…Shaving foam?” the girl asked, and was it just Allen or her tone sounded a little incredulous? “I’m sorry, Allen, but-“


“What do you use your shaving foam for?”

Allen’s hand stopped fiddling with the stack of cup noodles in the cupboard above the counter, and his eyes moved sideways to give the phone a skeptical look. “What are you trying to say exactly?”

“Sorry, sorry,” Lenalee giggled, “Never mind that. But anyway, what does Kanda being creative have to do with your missing… shaving foam?”

Allen closed the refrigerator’s door and sighed. “He stole it and hid it.”


Allen wasn’t sure how it had started and who started that first-though he had the sneaking suspicion that it had been Allen himself who had done this first-but lately, hiding each other’s things when they were pissed was… common occurrence.

Yes, Allen knew that it was stupid, but-well. Maybe they were both stupid. But if Allen remembered correctly, it had started with Kanda being a particularly big jerk one day that Allen got really pissed. So he just-went and stole Kanda’s hairbrush.

Yes, he’d stolen his hairbrush. It had been funny to see Kanda trying to find the brush, but it didn’t mean much when he found out that Kanda’s hair had been fine without it. That night, after Kanda had given up finding his brush, he simply pulled at his hairtie, let his hair fall down his back and ran his fingers through it a few times and-voilà! His hair was all nice and smooth all of a sudden.

Allen had resented Kanda for that.

Three days after that, when Allen had made a particularly snarky comment, Allen lost his mouse.

Yes, he could use the touchpad on his laptop, and yes, his assignment was mostly something he had to type so it didn’t really matter, but it was still annoying. Kanda’s smug look when he kept failing to find it was irritating, too.

Three days after that, the mouse was back, sitting nicely on top of his desk with Kanda smirking triumphantly for practically the whole day.

Which then led Allen to steal Kanda’s phone strap. It was probably a gift, since Kanda didn’t strike him as someone who would go around buying a phone strap. It was black, with some Japanese Kanji Allen couldn’t read, but it didn’t matter.

So when Kanda took a shower, Allen went to Kanda’s desk and removed the phone strap. He then slipped it into the gap between his mattress and the frame of the bed on the side pressed to the wall, before finally leaving for his classes.

Later that afternoon when Allen had finally come back from campus, Kanda was already there, looking calm as he worked on his laptop again, and he really didn’t look like he was even trying to find his missing phone strap.

So Allen went over to his bed and slipped his hand to where he had hid the phone strap that morning. What he found was a folded piece of paper, and when he unfolded it, scribbled there was “WAY too obvious. Stupid.”

Abruptly, Allen turned to Kanda and the Japanese was already smirking at him, waving his phone strap in his hand.

* * *

Which, now led to Kanda hiding his shaving foam, of all things. He was getting kind of creative in choosing the things to steal, really. And-well, now was Kanda’s turn wasn’t it?

Allen really had to wonder when this had turned into a game. Allen had only done it the first time as some sort of a revenge, but now-well.

There was some kind of rule though, that they should never take something of real importance, like anything related to school assignments. That aside, though-Allen had already forgotten half the things they’d stolen from each other by now.

Allen went to the cabinet under the kitchen counter, squinting his eyes to search for his missing bottle of shaving foam, but-nope. Not there either. Where could it be? Surely Kanda wasn’t all that creative-

Oh wait. He was an art major. Of course he’d be at least a little creative-

“Found it yet?”

The poor boy nearly jumped at the sudden voice coming from the living room, and once he looked up, Kanda was already there, smirking smugly down at him. Allen growled at that, and Kanda just turned on his heels, leaving Allen with a sway of his hair and that obnoxious red hair tie-oh, he was so stealing that hair tie next time.

Sighing, Allen pulled himself up with the hand on the counter and went over to the couch to sit down for a bit. Kanda was probably changing in their room, and Allen didn’t feel like seeing that smug face of his right now.

One of Allen’s hands reached around, looking for the TV remote. They didn’t use this living room much because they would usually just be cooped up in their room and working on assignments or just reading. Neither he nor Kanda were fans of the telly, but since Allen had nothing better to do now-well yes, so he had to find the shaving foam but he was taking a break, okay?-he thought why the hell not watch some stupid TV show?

Failing to find the remote on the table, Allen then vaguely remembered Michael had been home last night and there had been some noises from the TV, so maybe Michael had forgotten to put the remote back on its place?

Bending down, the white haired boy peered under the coffee table and the couch, but he found nothing, so he sat back up and slipped his hand into the gap between the couch’s seats and-oh, there was something hard, so this was it right?

When he pulled it out, though, Allen found himself holding the bottle of shaving foam he’d been looking for the whole afternoon.

“Ha!” he shouted in triumph and immediately dashed to his shared room with Kanda and waved said bottle in front of Kanda’s nose.

“Tch, so you found it,” was Kanda’s response.

“Of course I did.”

Kanda walked closer though, and stopped in front of Allen to stare him down with a raised eyebrow and-“What do you need that for anyway?”

Allen pouted. First Lenalee, and then Kanda and-suddenly, Kanda’s hand was there, on his face, tracing his jaw and chin with a thumb and-waitwaitwait-what?

Kanda pulled back though. “You don’t even have anything to shave there. Kid.”

At that comment, Allen’s previously widened eyes were now narrowed at the older boy. Oh he was so going to get revenge.


That weekend, Allen executed his plan. Kanda usually took a longer shower on weekends, so Allen thought he’d have all the time he needed. That day, as usual, Kanda came back from his morning workout at about 6.30. Allen had found out where Kanda went at such ungodly hour after casually asking Kanda about it sometime ago, and he also knew that Kanda would go meditate for a bit after he came back, so Allen used that time to take a shower.

When he was done showering, Kanda immediately took his turn to use the shower, his hair already down because weekends were when he washed it, and it meant that he’d left his hair tie outside.

Once the bathroom door was closed, Allen started to work. He knew Kanda only owned two hair ties, one was a small, black hair band and the other red and resembling a rope. Really, with hair that long, Kanda sure didn’t bother to buy more hair ties-then again, it wasn’t like he’d ever use more than one at a time, so.

Anyway, Allen had a plan for this, and he was sure that Kanda wouldn’t be able to find his hair ties for quite a while. Smirking to himself, the boy proceeded to pick the black hair band lying around on Kanda’s desk, before going to the other’s drawers to find the red hair tie.

Allen fished a spool of thin but strong, white thread from his pocket, tying the hairband and the red hair tie together tightly, and doubling it just for good measure. Then he walked over to the window, extending the thread down so that the hair ties were hanging from the window. Cutting the thread long enough, he tied the other end to the foot of his desk lamp. Making sure that it was tied securely, Allen closed the window and covered the thin, almost invisible thread with the curtains.


Ten minutes later when Kanda was out of the shower, Allen really couldn’t keep that sly grin out of his face. He tried covering it with a book, yes, but it was still there, and it was too obvious. Kanda noticed almost immediately.

“…what did you hide this time?” Kanda asked, voice low and threatening, but Allen was far too amused imagining what Kanda would do without his hair tie to care about the underlying threat.

“What do you think?” the boy nearly sing-sang, and he watched with mirth as Kanda started looking around for the missing thing.

Frowning, Kanda sat down on his bed and started rubbing his hair dry with a towel, giving up looking for the moment, because he didn’t even know what was missing.

Keeping his eyes on his book, the British boy did a mental countdown. Normally it took Kanda five to ten minutes to get his hair half-dry, and usually he’d start looking for his hairtie around that time. So he waited, and waited and-

“…Oi. You didn’t-” Kanda stood up abruptly, realizing his hair tie wasn’t on its place on his desk. The older boy proceeded to look through his drawer, trying to find his other hair tie, only to find it missing, too. He turned to Allen with a glare. “You.”

Allen grinned wider. “Yes, darling?”

Kanda growled, but then he stood up and started searching the room, out to the kitchen and living area, and Allen didn’t know how long it was until Kanda finally came back to their room, sending death glares his way before proceeding to snatch a wooden pencil lying atop of his sketch book on the desk.

For a split-second, Allen wondered if Kanda was contemplating his demise via a wooden pencil, but then Kanda merely gathered his long, silky and now mostly dry hair, and started pulling it up. Well, maybe he found something to tie his hair with then? That was bori-

Wait. Waitwaitwaitwait, Kanda didn’t tie his hair. Instead, he twisted his hair and start putting it into a-

“Pfft! Seriously?” Allen snorted and failed to hide his laughter as Kanda slipped the pencil into his hair, securing the artistically messy bun. “Oh my god! This is so-”

“Shut the fuck-the hell are you doing with that phone-”


“Too late!” Allen shouted triumphantly, quickly saving the photo he had just taken and he was just about to tuck his phone back into his pocket, when Kanda suddenly lunged at him. The next second, he was practically pinning Allen down on the bed, one hand pressing a shoulder flat to the mattress while the other was trying to pry the phone out of Allen’s stubborn grip.

Allen, of course, didn’t give up easily, holding onto his phone like it was his lifeline. It wasn’t until the strands of silky hair that was Kanda’s side-bangs were falling to brush against his cheek that Allen stiffened, face warming up and the grip on his phone loosening.

Kanda used this opening to his advantage. He swiftly snatched the phone away from Allen’s hand, fiddling with it for a moment to find and delete the photo Allen had just taken. But for now, Allen couldn’t care as the feel of soft hair against his skin and the scent of the soap Kanda used still lingered over him.


Sometimes, Allen really hated Kanda. Just right after he was being merciful enough to actually return the hair ties-on Monday morning, because Kanda had to go to classes, though Allen had been practically talking Kanda’s ear off about the bun and how he had been able to hide them without Kanda ever finding them-Kanda just had to go and steal his iPod when he wasn’t looking.

It was an iPod shuffle, yeah, the one that Allen could actually afford. And since it was quite small, Kanda could have hidden it anywhere. He’d tried looking for it all over his room, the adjoined bathroom, climbing a chair so that he could peek above the closet, but-not there either.

He’d looked around the flat, too. Behind the TV, under the cushions-Allen hoped Kanda had enough sense not to hide it in places where it could be accidentally crushed or broken-and he was giving up, after his half-day of fruitless search.

It was then that Kanda waltzed into their bedroom, face smug and smirk wide as his eyes taunted Allen for being unable to find his beloved iPod-the source of his inspiration, the friend that accompanied him when no one else would and-yeah, so he loved his iPod. What.

“Giving up yet?” the Japanese male asked with a mocking tone, and-had Kanda not taunted him, Allen might have considered giving up, but now…

“No way,” he grounded out. But well, he was tired, so, “I’m just taking a break.”

Kanda snorted.

Allen glared, looking at Kanda up and down to decide if there was something Kanda always had with him that he could steal-aside of his hair tie, he’d done that last time, and that was probably why Kanda had decided to steal his iPod and-

Wait. He recognized the shape of that small bulge on Kanda’s back pocket and-

“It’s there, isn’t it?” Allen exclaimed, immediately going to his roommate and really nearly tackling him, had Kanda’s footing been less steady. Without much thinking, Allen’s hand went around Kanda’s waist to keep him there while his other hand immediately slipped into Kanda’s back pocket to work his iPod out and-

“Oi.” Allen blinked up at Kanda, hand still halfway out of the pocket, “Get off, you’re molesting me,” Kanda deadpanned.

Allen blinked once, twice and-oh. Oh. Immediately, he jerked backwards, iPod in hand and-“Wh-I didn’t-it’s your fault for hiding my iPod there!” the boy retorted, and now, he couldn’t deny that he was definitely blushing. He could feel the heat on his cheeks and-

Kanda just snorted at that. “Yeah, whatever. Kid.”

“I’m not a kid!” was his automatic response. Although for some reason, his heart was beating a little faster than normal and-right. Music. He needed his music to calm down. So he went back to his bed and sat down, plugging the earphones to his iPod and the ear buds into his ears, He tried not to think on how he had just been essentially holding Kanda in his arms and placed his hand on-

But before Allen could venture further into the thought, right when he pressed the play button, a loud rock guitar melody blared in his ears and it made him jolt up in the bed, literally.

“Bloody hell-” Allen swore and turned to Kanda, knowing Kanda must have replaced his classical music collection with the bunch of this sorry excuse for music they called punk rock.

Immediately tearing his earphones away from his abused ears, Allen glared at Kanda, who must have realized what had happened, because now-“You-” Kanda was smirking, annoyingly so.

For the moment all Allen could think of was how to get back at Kanda, thoughts of Kanda’s warm breath in his ear, his firm body in his arms and the feel of his backside against Allen’s own hand temporarily forgotten.


A/N: Aaaaand I’ll just say that the next part will have a more…fun development. But I barely start writing it because my body demands sleep so-yeah, might be a little late. Reviews are the nutrition for my plot bunnies, so please leave me some :)

yuu kanda, yullen week, kanda/allen, days, fanfiction, allen walker

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