All right, NYC field trip people! This is your one-stop-shopping place for links to everything you should need for this weekend. In order to avoid crashing browsers with huge posts, we're going to do multiple posts for each day, divided between Aziraphale's and Wilson's journals. Those posts will be linked here as they go up so you may want to bookmark this (Friday's stuff will go up around noon on Friday, Saturday's will go up Friday night, Sunday's will go up Saturday night). Also, there's a link here to the itinerary and room assignments. There will be linkdrop threads in each post where you can let us know what your characters are up to if you've got scenes going on in your own journals.
If you have any last-minute questions or concerns, or if you're planning something that could benefit from NPCs, please comment here or email one of us (angel.phale @ and seregill @ We can't promise to be able to play NPCs for everyone, but we'll help you find people to do that if you need.
One last reminder: please no serious injuries or major destruction this weekend, and if you need Phale and Wilson to bail you out of trouble someplace, we need to know ahead of time. We know that at least one person may get a little "lost" for a while, due to RL constraints, and as long as your character shows up to ride the train home, that's totally fine. (Although Wilson and Phale may be a little peeved if you miss the two "required" activities. *g*)
Please also remember to keep anything that's being played as a private scene or that's NWS in your own journal.
We hope you all have fun!
Itinerary and Room Assignments Friday posts:
Departure and Train RideFriday Evening in NYC Saturday posts:
Saturday Morning: Breakfast and UN Tour Saturday Afternoon: Free Time and Museum Museum Activity: Morgan Library Museum Activity: Museum of Sex (contains NWS links)
Sunday posts:
Sunday Morning: Breakfast and Broadway Show Arriving back in Fandom