
May 06, 2009 22:54

He groaned and shifted under the blankets, pulling the edge up and over his head; but the incessant ringing continued. One hand drifted out from under the warmth and he fumbled around blindly, finally pulling his mobile off the nightstand. The limb lethargically disappeared back under the covers and Taiki answered the offending device.

“Hai? Kayashima desu...” His voice cracked and he licked his lips, eyes drifting closed as he waited for a reply. What time was it? It felt like he had just gone to bed...And after the past couple of days...Between the job and getting stuck in the elevator...he was beyond exhausted. “Aa.” He groaned in affirmation, not liking the direction of the mostly one-sided conversation. “Mm...Ima nanji desu ka?” Inside he cried a little; it was only 3am?! But the next words caught him off guard and his eyes snapped open. “Joudan deshou...” Please, please let this be a bad joke.

It wasn’t. The spirit he had made contact with days before and properly identified was back. And it was pissed. “Hai. Wakarimashita.” He was already climbing out of the luxuriously warm and comfortable bed, trying to clear the fog from his brain.

Perhaps he should have stayed in Japan and let that ridiculous ying-yang diviner take this job...

[plot]new york

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