Discoveries and Secrets

Nov 11, 2009 19:28

It was Thursday afternoon before he was finally released. It had been a fight but he’d finally convinced the doctors that he’d just walk out if they didn’t let him go officially. Really there was nothing they could do...According to every single test Taiki was fairly normal. A little anaemic, low blood pressure, and underweight...But other than that there was nothing they could do for him.

He fell asleep in the back of the car on the way home. Shuichi watched him in the rear-view mirror, trying to pay attention to traffic and Aya at the same time without getting into an accident. This was too close to the circumstances in New York for him to ignore...He had tried to ask Taiki about it but of course the psychic had clammed up, stubbornly refusing to explain anything at all. So Shuichi had dropped the subject for the time; he had to trust that Taiki would come to him in time.

The day before there had been a flood of phone calls and visitors. Taiki had been transferred to another room and the nurses in this section had kindly allowed everyone to come and go -so long as things didn’t get out of hand. At one point there was nearly ten people crowded around the bed, much to Taiki’s unease. Shuichi had just smiled; overjoyed that his partner had woken up...Though Taiki did still sleep most of the day. The doctors had assured him that it was normal after all that had happened, but Shuichi knew better...This had gone on before.

Taiki studied the odd wood carving carefully, fingers running over every polished inch. Looking up at his boss he shook his head, handing it back.

“I have not seen this before.” He readjusted his position on the couch, moving over so the man could sit. A small box was set on the ground and Murasawa Reiji settled with a weary sigh.

“It was on your bookshelf, just over there. I found it along with this...” Next a small silver sculpture was given to him, a green stone buried in the base. Once again Taiki shook his head, lips setting in a thin line. He turned the oddity over, tired black eyes examining every bump and curve. One finger traced along a ridge and he frowned...It took a little bit of creativity (and muscle), but when pressure was applied correctly the piece it split open, revealing a small hollow crater in the middle.

Black eyes just stared down at the hole, unblinking. Murasawa held his breath, slowly taking the two halves, careful drop or spill the contents. Inside the silver sculpture with a green gem was a tiny figure made out of black hair. It was dressed in crudely cut familiar orange silk, the hand stitched characters still intact...It had been the covering for Shuichi’s omamori that he’d lost.

“Burn it.” Taiki was already up and moving out of the living room as he gave the order. He had to go through Shuichi’s things...Had to make sure there was nothing in there that could harm the blond.

“I’m not sure that’s the best-” Murasawa started, standing.

“It cannot do anything worse than it has already done. Burn it.” Reiji quickly climbed the three steps out of the room, following the small psychic down the hall to the bedroom.

“I’m not sure it’ll bring back your aura.” Taiki didn’t stop, grabbing the duffle bag from the ground and upending it on the bed.

“I know it will not.” He corrected, running his fingers along the seam inside the blue bag.

“What in the world are ya doin’? You shouldn’t be out here...” Shuichi sprinted up the steps from the garage, moving to push Taiki back inside the house. The brunet shrugged to one side, dodging as he spoke.

“I need to put this somewhere safe. Somewhere it cannot be removed.” Taiki was playing with the ofuda, turning over and over in his hands as he studied the outside of their home.

“At least put on a jacket, n’ ya really shouldn’t be out of bed.” He made a move to grab the psychic’s arm but Taiki pulled away, head tilted up as black eyes locked onto something at the top of the house.

“I need a screwdriver...”

Five minutes later and Taiki (now sporting a coat) was balanced on Shuichi’s shoulders, pulling off the vent to their attic from the outside.

“Taiki, ya gotta stop squirmin’ around up there.” The blond commented, adjusting his footing on the narrow porch to compensate for the movement up top. He didn’t respond, instead the grate was removed and passed carefully down to his partner while the screwdriver was held between his teeth. Twisting just a little (and earning another protest from Shuichi who had to follow his movements below) Taiki ran his fingers along the edge of the hole, between the siding and the frame. Carefully he pulled the edge of the panel away, creating a small gap that he could slide the paper ofuda through.

Now it would be safe from sabotage...Accidental or otherwise.

He’d fallen asleep again. Shuichi was stretched out on the couch watching Die Hard (he hadn’t seen the original in forever) and Taiki was practically draped over him, like his own personal heated-blanket. It was New York all over again...He knew what to expect this time but it didn’t stop him from worrying obsessively. Just before he’d crashed Taiki had apologized for the umpteenth time, saying he was sorry for wrecking Halloween and ruining their time together.

If it had to happen then Shuichi was thankful that he was here for it. He wasn’t sure what he would have done if he’d been on the other side of the world for this...As it was with his soccer schedule he would be flying back and forth a lot. He needed to be home right now.

Three days later and he still couldn’t see it. Taiki was seated in front of the long mirror in the bedroom, bleakly staring at his reflection. No color surrounded him, no astral body to give any sign of life...He had tried yoga, hoping to draw out something...but no.

In a flash Shuichi was in the room (did he have some kind of radar for when he was upset??) and as the blond whizzed by he snagged the psychic’s arm. Taiki decided it was for the best if he just went along and was quickly dragged back to bed. He crawled up until he was seated on top of Shuichi, straddling his hips...If he laid down now he’d be asleep again within minutes.

“I had no idea you were so vain! Staring at yourself like that reminds me of Nakao.” Taiki just smirked at the blond’s teasing words. He could think of far worse insults that being compared to Senri...

“Mmm, I think you like him.” He received a look of pure horror and Shuichi pushed himself up onto his elbows, loudly protesting. “You forget,” he gestured to his eyes, “I can see things. You cannot hide it from me.” Now the blond was howling, denying everything with flying Kansai-ben curses. A wicked curl of the lips; Taiki was enjoying himself immensely.

But too soon things died down. Shuichi’s pout slowly melted into something more curious and somber...

“Ne, did yer boss come by again today?” Taiki stopped, watching the shifting aura in front of him for clues. “Hey...what’s goin’ on? I mean...I know ya don’t wanna tell me but, can.”

“I was not going to say anything, but...” He leaned forward until their faces were just centimetres apart, locking eyes with the blond. Shuichi fidgeted just a little, playing with their fingers as he waited for Taiki to finally let him in. “I am beginning to think he has a crush on you.” Shuichi’s expression fell and he stared flatly at his partner, disappointed. “He never comes around this much when you are away...” Silence hung in the air as the blond processed things.

“...You’re disgustin’.” The athlete made a face, deciding to go along with the gag. “I mean, that’s beyond wrong.” Taiki laughed and pecked his pouting lips before leaning back and insisting it was the truth.

If Taiki wanted to keep things a secret then there was nothing he could do about it.

[plot]new york

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