At least I'm significant to him.

Apr 10, 2009 00:13

                One arm stretched out before him, up towards the bright full moon. At times like this, lying out under the wide sky with the only light being that of the heavens, Kayashima Taiki felt utterly insignificant. Closing one wide, owlish onyx eye he put his thumb over the tiny white orb, blotting it out from view completely.

Just like that, the moon was gone. How easy it is for something so prominent to disappear. One minute you think it will be hanging in the sky forever, and in the next instant it’s been completely erased.

Stretching his legs out in the grass, he let his hand drop down to his forehead, pushing several strands of black hair from his face. It was easy to get lost; staring up at the thousands of twinkling lights. Thanks to his unique abilities he was acutely aware of just how fleeting life was; just how insignificant one really was in the universe. Dark lashes graced his pale cheeks as he closed his eyes and relaxed back against the soft grass, listening to the muted sounds of the night all around him.

He didn’t realize he had fallen asleep until gentle fingers traced their way down his jaw. A small smile slipped onto his lips and he slowly opened his eyes, staring straight up into soft brown eyes and an ever present bright grin.

“Welcome home.” The soft whisper lit up not only the man’s face, but also his aura; the most beautiful sight in the world to Taiki. Reaching up, he wound his fingers through the silky brown hair, pulling Shuuichi down into a soft kiss.

“You’ll get a cold if you stay out here like this. Let’s go inside.” Warm lips moved against his own as Nakatsu spoke, his brown eyes nearly dancing. Strong hands helped him to his feet and he was pulled back into the glow of the house. “I picked up your favorite from Ozeki’s down the street and I know that there has to be some horrifying movie on tonight that’ll fit your tastes…” Taiki happily followed the man as he continued the night’s options in his ever present cheerful tone. A small smile lingered on his face as he popped open the take out container on the counter, stirring it with his chopsticks and listening to Shuuichi ramble on.

It was nice to know that he was significant in at least one person’s universe.


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