The Trip Home

Jun 21, 2009 22:50

Follows this.

Shuichi couldn’t help the panic he felt every time Taiki fell asleep. It always seemed to take too long to wake him up; his breath would catch and he’d shake the narrow shoulder just a little harder...Call his name just a little louder. But then each time black eyes would slowly blink open, confused as they rolled over to gaze at him. Taiki would never say anything (thankfully), but he knew the small psychic saw through him (or just saw his aura, rather) by the way the owlish eyes followed him around the room.

“It’s time ta leave.” He added quietly as Taiki sat up, mopping at his sleepy face. Normally Shuichi would have found the gesture cute and endearing...but not when Taiki’d been asleep for the better part of four days now. It was concerning and unnerving; especially since the “research assistant” wouldn’t tell him what had happened.

He had packed the bags hours ago. This was the first available flight back to Japan that he’d been able to book. A two hour layover in LAX...but at least they were on their way. Home.

Home home home home home.

Long lines, millions of questions, security checks, where did I put the tickets?... And then waiting at the assigned gate. As soon as Taiki sat down his eyes became a little glassy, signalling exhaustion once more. He’d just woken up less than 2 hours ago... Shuichi stared at the little neon pink tag looped around the handle of his baggage.

“Ya know, if ya wanna sleep ya can lean on my shoulder...” He said in quiet Japanese. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Taiki smile a bit...

“No, daijoubu.” As always Taiki was careful around him in public. It was frustrating that things had to be like this. Dinners with women set up by the public relations director, keeping everything behind closed doors, no touching, no affection...Nothing where it could be photographed and used against the team...against the owners. All for the best of the company; profit. Because a gay athlete did not bring half of what an attractive, available, straight one did. All for this he was cut off fro-

“American Airlines flight number 1 is happy to now welcome our business and first class members, as well as our gold pass frequent flyers...Again we are welcoming-” He was jarred out of his thoughts by the obscenely loud intercom. Frowning briefly at the woman behind the counter with the microphone to her mouth, he turned and was surprised to see two unhappy black eyes watching him intently.

“W-what?! What’s wrong?” Taiki was silent for far too long, making Shuichi fidget uncomfortably under his all-seeing gaze. The little cheater...It wasn’t fair that he could read auras. It was an unreasonable advantage! But then Taiki’s head came down on his shoulder and he felt more than heard the black-haired man chuckle.

“That is not very nice.” Black eyes disappeared as heavy lids slowly shut, but the low melodic voice continued. “I am sorry that you are frustrated. But this is okay, right? Friends would behave like this...right?” He once again stared down at the pink identification tag on his baggage...that was downright heartbreaking... “I am sorry that this was not a good trip for you, as well. You came all this way and all I have done is sleep.” The dark head shifted and impossibly large eyes were once more locked on him. “But thank you for coming.” His stomach did an odd little flop but before he could respond he was once more interrupted by the squawking intercom. Zone 7 was called forward to board and Taiki sighed, standing. Before he could pick up his small carry-on Shuichi had swooped down and snatched up the brown bag. A small protest that he was indeed not a girl and did not need to be coddled was voiced, but the blond very neatly ignored him and they made their way over to the formed line at the ticket counter.

It wasn’t until Taiki found his place on the plane that the blunder was realized. They were not seated together. Instead, in what was supposed to be Shuichi’s spot, a 40-something overweight man sat staring out the window. Negotiations for a seat-swap were unsuccessful and ultimately Shuichi was banished to the back of the plane, seated next to two elderly women wearing matching flower-printed shirts and khaki stretch pants. Taiki had assured him that everything would be fine, that he would be miserable company anyway (which he seriously doubted)...

It was a long six hours. He’d managed to restrain himself to only checking on Taiki four times...Each visit earning a darker glare from the stranger sitting in what should have been his seat. But he didn’t care one bit; a slight fever had sprung up on the small psychic and despite many reassurances, he was worried.

And then they arrived at LAX. He managed to get a bowl of soup and some bread into Taiki before they had to make their way to the next gate. At least this flight they were able to get first-class seating...And they double checked their tickets; seats together. Perfect.

Everything went smoothly and before they knew it they were flying over the Pacific. A movie was playing and they both had their seats reclined back, Taiki lying on his side with one leg tucked under him as each blink grew longer until he was asleep again. Shuichi found a blanket under his seat and carefully draped it over the brunet’s slight form, and then managed to doze off himself. Their fingers were laced together, though carefully hidden under those thin blue covers.

Twelve hours after they took off they arrived in Japan. It was 5pm. Smack dab in the middle of high-volume traffic. The sidewalks were full, the trains were full, the subways were full...It took them 15 minutes just to hail a taxi to take them from the station to their little home 10 blocks away...

But everything was worth it to see Taiki’s smile when they rounded the corner and their small house came into view. Narrow shoulders relaxed, the tension in his body seemed to drain away, and Shuichi swore he even looked less tired... Perhaps all the smaller man needed was to get back home.

((OOC: Holy smokes...I didn't think I'd ever get my boys back home. This little arc should have taken a week...max...HAH!))

[plot]new york

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