I noticed that I didn't have any "rules" pertaining to the 10 Thing Challenge. They aren't for anyone but me and they aren't going to be Rigid. They will be more like Guidelines.
- Like things will be considered 1 thing for the week - but the total quantity will be logged for a running total of things removed from the house.
- Project Parts that were once stored and are now used will be included in the things removed for the week & Total. The parts will be photographed before & after.
- As long as the "thing" leaves the house permanently it counts: Trash, give to friends, Donate to Goodwill, Library, Vet, GGA - any viable cause that can use it whether I get a tax deduction or not.
- Putting the "Thing" to use in another place... Taking it to work, using it for a cache, using in the camper... counts. Repurposing also qualifies.
- Returning to a retailer does not count - unless the "Thing" has been here for a long time. 1 month or more.
- Repairing an Item that hasn't been used because it's been inoperable - Counts.
- Any large change in a space due to the removal of "Things" should be documented before and after.
This is going to be a lot more difficult than I first imagined. And of Course... I am the one who created the difficulty. So If I don't make it to 10 things a week... so be it - the challenge will start again the next week. This is not a race, it's supposed to motivate me back into getting rid of stuff. Living with less. I wanted to say "needing less", but I don't think that's appropriate. I think it's probably "wanting less".
I want less :
- Clutter to store
- Mess to clean up
- Stuff to take care of
- Things to pay for
So this Challenge...It's an everyday process to help me get into the habit of letting go of stuff which in turn will help me achieve this "Want".