Our Mutual Fiend

Feb 18, 2009 20:56

Two hours and some-odd minutes of sleep may not sound like a lot, but by Alyx's standards it's a long, indolent rest. When you grow up a fugitive, never sure whether a Xenian beast or a Combine soldier could show up at your doorstep, you get your rest where you can and wake up ready to fight. Or to run.

Fortunately for all concerned, right now Gordon and Alyx don't have to do either. They were awakened by a nervous Resistance member informing them that the data packet was just about ready to go, and Eli and Dr. Kleiner were getting ready to review the transmission from Judith. All they have to do, for now, is stand and watch as Judith Mossman's face is displayed on a bank of blurry monitors and her voice echoes through an aging PA system.

"I'm fairly sure I've pinned down the location of the project. It's hard to say how much of it might have survived intact, or whether there's anything remaining that could compromise our work if it were discovered by the Combine. We'll need to take a close look at it, of course, but I should be able to give a better opinion within a few hours. If the site is where we think it is, it should be no more than--"

Alyx turns to her father, trying to read his expression as he watches the screens.

"--I'm gonna have to cut this short, we may have been spotted."

"I should never have let her go," Eli mutters bitterly.

the borealis, milliways, dr. magnusson, canon: episode 2, gordon freeman, white forest

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