[translation] report on music station feat. tokio

May 24, 2014 18:00

TOKIO played their newly released song LOVE, HOLIDAY. on Music Station! Johnny's Web was among those who visited the studio. We've got the low-down on everything that happened before the show.

LOVE, HOLIDAY. is a vacation song reminiscent of the oldies that'll fire you up! Even during rehearsals, Nagase sang in an intensely inspiing voice, and Yamaguchi had a grand old time playing his bass as TOKIO delivered a powerful performance.

Once rehearsal wrapped up neatly, the boys wasted no time going into a dry run of the entire show. Again, TOKIO gave an enthusiastic performance worthy of being titled the main event, but when mic checks begun, they exploded into mischief!

"Um, um, Nagase here," said the first one to do his mic check. It was normal--nothing out of the ordinary there. As Taichi came up next, however, it seemed he was feeling more than a little mischievous. Mic checks are normally done by saying your own name, but with a big grin, Taichi came up with a fun impression, saying, "Um, um, Nagase here."

Like this entire gag had been planned in advance, TOKIO was quick to follow through with their typical playfulness. "This is Nagase," said Yamaguchi, his face completely serious. A little embarrassed, Matsuoka chimed with a, "All right then, this is Nagase." And finally, in the most casual way, Leader said, "Yes, this is Nagase." In this one moment TOKIO showed their excellent sense of camaraderie.

After the dry run, the group went backstage to watch the videos recorded of their rehearsal performances. Once it was over, Matsuoka immediately turned to Leader and asked, "Did you cut your hair?" As expected, Matsuoka didn't let even the tiniest change come unnoticed. "Just a little bit," Leader replied, grinning.

Though during the show itself Leader's hair was slicked back, it was still down when rehearsal was going on. "This kind of hairstyle looks great on you!" Matsuoka praised as he took Leader in, approving of his style. But just as he said this, Leader was already holding up a hairbrush, proudly beginning to slick it back.

"Oh, you're putting it up?" Matsuoka asked, looking a little disappointed as he watched him. "You're going to do your slicked back look, huh?" Paying no attention whatsoever, Leader answered with a simple 'yeah' as he busied himself with styling his hair. "Looks like really hard work," Matsuoka couldn't help but reply, and, watching the whole thing nearby, Yamaguchi allowed himself a small chuckle.

Taichi, meanwhile, as he sat across from Matsuoka, was consulting his stylist about his costume. Comparing two different sets of clothing, he finally decided on the lighter-coloured one. He wasted no time getting changed, an extremely satisfied smile on his face. "Oh, man! This is sweet! I look like a fashionista!"

Just as is stated in Taichi's J-web blog TAHICHI (view post here), Nagase was sitting next to him, relaxing and playing his guitar. As Matsuoka's eyes fell onto Yamaguchi's bass guitar, a request fell from his lips. "Lend me your bass!" he said, taking it up. "Five-stringed basses are amazing!" he exclaimed as he started to play. Nagase joined in on guitar, and with that the pair of them started a little jamming session.

NAGASE: "Oh, you remember how to play it!"
MATSUOKA: "My arms are cramping!"

Despite Matsuoka's complaints, the two of them looked like they were having the time of their lives. Matsuoka returned Yamaguchi's bass afterwards, of course, because as Taichi played a recording of LOVE, HOLIDAY. to check out the song's sheet music meanwhile, Yamaguchi immediately joined in on bass. Matsuoka in turn tapped his foot along with the rhythm, thinking of how everything was supposed to go in his head.

Even during their free time, TOKIO immerses themselves in music. Taichi started to hum energetically to Nagase's guitar.

NAGASE: "It's a manly kind of song."
MATSUOKA: "It has a great melody."

TOKIO's members make it no secret that LOVE, HOLIDAY.'s melody is precious to them. As tension built and the group got more and more inspired, however, Leader suddenly got to his feet.

Slowly, he prowled over next to Taichi, and without hesitation cut right into the man's humming by singing a line from the song in an intensely passionate voice! For a lone moment the other members were rendered speechless by their leader's unexpected action, but a loud burst of laughter cut right through the silence as the dressing room got even more energised.

Leader, however, immediately went back to his seat to return to his staring contest with his new hair as if nothing had happened at all. With the atmosphere full of cheer, TOKIO's members changed their clothes, got their hair and make-up done, and prepared for their performance.

Once everyone was geared up, Nagase started playing guitar once more, signalling TOKIO to start relaxing once more. Apparently, however, he was unable to remember a certain line that he wanted to play. Borrowing Leader's guitar, Taichi gave a melancholy performance of the lyric Nagase failed to remember. "Wow, you remembered that really well!" Nagase exclaimed, and with that, he and Taichi had a little guitar session.

Nagase began to sing in an immensely high-pitched voice in his enjoyment, but its pitch was so high that Matsuoka started to get worried, what with their main performance just about to begin. "You shouldn't be straining your voice before the show!" Matsuoka chided. "What'll you do if you get out there and can't sing?! Take care of your throat!"

Nagase, however, couldn't be stopped from singing as happily as he could. "This is no time for singing!" Matsuoka exclaimed, flailing. Yamaguchi grinned as he watched, and Taichi played guitar by Nagase's side. And, seeing the other members starting to get pumped for their performance, Leader... only carried out one last check on his hairstyle.

Nagase finished up his little performance, grinning. "I got my throat nice and warmed up!" he exclaimed. With those words spoken, Matsuoka finally allowed himself some relief. "Well, then," he said. "That's good." Their conversation wrapped up just in time for the group to go stand by for their performance, and TOKIO headed out onto the stage, fired up and ready for Music Station's main event.

trans: reports, t

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