(no subject)

May 27, 2009 23:03

The road to Fief Mandash skirted the cliffs and crossed rough terrain. With that in mind, Alanna kept a careful but steady pace until the extra light from the full moon no longer offset the danger of pressing forward. She called for a halt, and they made camp until dawn.

At daybreak, the company set off again. When the ground permitted, Alanna spurred them to a fast trot or even a canter. The war horses quickly picked up on the urgency of their riders and settled in to their task.

They rested and ate mid-morning. No one seemed to care for much conversation.

It was nearly noon by the time they reached the path to the keep. Stopped in the crossroads, Alanna turned Darkmoon in a circle and glanced at the woods on all sides. Some ran near one side of the house, she remembered.

"Laura and I will scout ahead," she told the men. "Wait for us here."

~ ~ ~

This close to the sea, the forest floor is coated with old, damp leaves and patches of moss, which suits Alanna well. Had this been Trebond, the snap of dry twigs might already have given them away.

She crouches, eyes tracking right until they land on the keep. Still half a mile away, it's just visible through the trees and undergrowth. There's no sign of life.

"There it is," she says under her breath.
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