[OOC] Contact Information

Jan 02, 2010 14:37

RIGHT so I dropped Ginji, where all my contact info etc was, so let's reposting and update! /o/

WhiteCat / nekokoban / I have been known to answer to others

I Play:
a_holy_oak -- 07-Ghost
anenduringoath -- Kingdom Hearts
butagod -- Okami
the9thdream -- D.Gray-Man

Contact: Due to the nature of my job and my hobbies out of CFUD, I am often on my computer! That said: whether at home or work I will have gchat enabled. I'm there as nekokoban. Emails (nekokoban [at] gmail [dot] com) or comments to either my regular journal (nekokoban) or any of my character journals, are a good way of getting in touch with me. In the evenings I'm usually on IRC -- and I do hang out in main chan (usually under either Hakuren or Road), and any of my characters' names will ping me. o/

Timezone/Language: PST/English. AS A GENERAL RULE, my schedule runs as thus:

Monday-Friday -- work from 9:00 - 5:30, home/online at 6:30, bed around midnight-thirty/one
Saturday-Sunday -- much more sporadic, but usually around-ish, with bedtime around one-thirty/two-ish

I can comment/play/etc from work sometimes, but only sporradically. Email is the best way to get me for any reason. :|a


Goals: Keep having fun? BE SOMEONE FUN TO PLAY WITH. \o/

How Do I Play?: If I have an idea, I will post it -- honestly, I actually really enjoy posting. IF YOU ARE EVER IN NEED OF A PARTNER FOR SOMETHING, LET ME KNOW. I will generally throw characters at posts that ping them, and I'm ... not super-shy about jumping threads. If it's late and I know you're around, I will ping you just to double-check, but if I see you and it looks like it'd work, I will jump. \o/

Replying Speed: ... fast? IDK I've had like three or four people mention this. I DO NOTABLY SLOW DOWN if I am distracted/tired/the thread is winding down. :|a

Thread Dropping: I tend to tag, play for a while, drop for a while, then pick up again. LIFE HAPPENS, or I'm distracted, or any number of things happen; never ever feel bad about poking me to pick up. Or to jump you! OR ANYTHING, seriously. ♥

Thread Jumping: I LOVE IT. N-no, really, I just like being jumped in general. o/ If you do and I fail to pick it up, it's because I somehow lost the notification, and in which case HIT ME on gchat or IRC, and I will gladly pick up!

Crack vs. Emo: I am zen. FEAR MY ZEN FIST. I will roll with whatever seems to be happening in the thread! The nice thing about having so many characters is that if one goes too far in any direction, I have other threads I can balance out with. I'm open to any and all, though if you've any serious concerns, please contact me.

Comfort Levels: I'll be frank -- what makes me uncomfortable is what makes the OTHER person uncomfortable. I can pretty much roll with anything, but if YOU are uncomfortable because of something I am doing, TELL ME AT ONCE and I will edit/change tracks immediately. It makes me unhappy to push things on others or make them uncomfortable/upset, so please, let's not have it get that far. o/


AUs: I have a tendency towards comedy when it comes to sex AUs (it's funny, people! come on!). IF YOU WANT TO, TALK TO ME; just understand that there will very likely be at least 100+ comments of retardation before anything sexy happens. See also: things that happen when you leave me and Devit unsupervised. Other AUs are also fine -- I am primarily a ficcer! TALK ALTERNATES TO ME.

Concrit: I TRY to post to the concrit community whenever the post goes up! Sometimes, this does not always work out. :( I have a big old general concrit post over on Hakuren's journal, comments screened/anon commenting on, etc. If you're still not comfortable, emailing me at nekokoban [at] gmail [dot] com is fine too. Please, please, please let me know if you've got questions/concerns about how I play my characters! I would not have apped characters without loving them, so I want to be sure I am doing right by them. :|b

In Case of Emergency: Which hopefully will not happen, but! Pretty much your absolute best bet to get in touch with me/pass things along/etc if I'm somehow not around or unavailable is halfcocked. :|b

WOO \o/
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