May 12, 2011 15:15

[It was difficult to celebrate a holiday under the effects of mind control, no matter how subtle.  So he'd postponed his plans, just a few days.  The exact date wasn't of much importance to him - they hadn't even had this day in Tazmily - but the spirit of it . . . That was what he wanted to honor.

He holds a single sunflower, the mass of roots and dirt cupped between his hands as he makes his way to a corner of the park he had sought out for this purpose.  It may be that it would be gone the next day, but . . . if he could have this for a day, that would be enough.  Enough time to sit, to think . . . to remember and to reflect.  A large insect of some sort sits atop his shoulder and chitters away curiously.  He ignores it, for the time being, and sets the flower down carefully against the grass.  He takes ahold of his trowel and begins to dig.

The work is not hard.  The hole is made before long, and gently, he lowers the flower, nestling it within the hollow.  He pats the dirt down, adjusts the leaves and petals . . . finds a rock and sets it before the golden flower.  He begins to speak aloud as he carefully scratches away.]

Little stinkbug...  You've recorded the history of my world, right?  You remember everything Leder said to us that day.  Right before we went to face Porky for the last time.  To remind us in case we forgot . . . if we forgot what it is we were fighting for.

So... I want you to record something else, too.  Is that OK?  ... Something... Something just as important.  Not in case I forget.  I couldn't ever forget.  But because . . . it's something that should always be remembered.  No matter how much time passes.  A hundred years from now, I want people to remember her name...

She saved the Nowhere Islands.  Not me and Boney, or Kumatora, or Duster.  If it weren't for her... I would have died a long time ago.

Her name was Hinawa.  My mom.  Hinawa.

[action 2]
[Sometime later, he sits by himself in front of the rock that reads, 'HINAWA - A loving mother'.  The stinkbug is gone.  Lucas draws his knees up to his chest and wraps his arms around them.]

It's been a long time.  It's better... that you're not here anymore.  All of the things that've happened since you left - not much of it was good.  I wish . . . I really wish that I don't see you again.  Because thinking about you here, going through drones and Grady and ... and giant robots and things.  It hurts a lot more thinking about that than thinking that you're happy where you are now.

Are you happy?  You and Claus . . . I'm not smart enough to understand where you might be, but if you're at home and you're watching everyone and you're worried that I'm not there . . . Please don't.  I'll be OK.  I promise.  I want you to rest.  You shouldn't have to worry about me anymore or about our world.  That's... It's all taken care of.  You've done everything you needed to.  So.  You shouldn't worry.

And I won't worry, either.  Even if I never see you again... Even if I never see you again as long as I'm alive.  That'll be a good thing.  Because it means ... you don't have to try to protect me.  It means you can be at peace.  And . . . I'll be OK.  Because no matter how much time passes, I'll always remember.  Everything about you.  The way you smile, the way you laugh.  The way I feel when you're near me.  If I remember all of that... I'll be OK.

Things always keep on changing, no mater how much I wish they wouldn't.  I'm growing up here, without you and Dad.  I outgrew another shirt last week.  It was one I've had since I got here, so... I didn't want to throw it away.  That's silly, right?... It's hard to think that I might be here until I'm an adult, but... I think, too, that you did such a good job the first ten years that I'll be alright by myself.

No matter what.......... I'll definitely be alright.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom.  That's what they say here.  I love you.

((Either action/conversation can be responded to, though if you have little to no CR with Lucas, I'd prefer you not overhear the second prompt.))

kay, rainbow dash, silence, crowe, damian, the captain, the netherlands, nanashi, aaron, jeff andonuts, tavros

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