The Midnighter | Night 2 | Video

Oct 05, 2011 23:49

[The video clicks on as Midnighter stirs, dressed in nothing but a pair of boxers. He runs a hand through his (currently) brown hair, but freezes when he catches sight of something off screen.] Shit, Yachiru! [He jumps to his feet and rams his shoulder into something off screen once… twice… three times before backing up and rubbing at his sore shoulder. As he does a voice fills the room.]

Midnighter, you claim to fight for a better world, but the only thing you have to show for it is a pile of bodies in your wake. To make matters worse, this is something you take great pride in. [Midnighter’s been resisting the instinct to look around-he knows the source is nowhere to be found. At the talk of mass murder, he just grins.] In front of you is what you claim to take great pains to protect-an innocent child. Yachiru is undergoing her own trial, one you would be wise not to interrupt. But if you still wish to unlock the door, behind you--[He spins to see what appears to be a nursery, and all the color drains from his face. In each of the fifteen basinets is what appears to be an identical brown haired newborn girl wrapped in a pink blanket and barbed wire.]--is a replica of the day the two things you took pride in collided, the day you killed the newborn Jenny Fractal in cold blood.

Attone for your sins at the cost of your hands and save the girl… or disregard this message, and lose them both.

[Midnighter hears a click behind him. To anyone watching, a timer appears in the lower right-hand corner, ticking down from 2 minutes. He hesitates, but goes to the first basinet and stares at the spitting image of his daughter. Upon further inspection, he realizes the newborns are nothing but dolls, though that doesn’t seem to make things any easier. The superhero glances behind him, realizes he’d already wasted 30 seconds and picks the doll up, the barbed wire slicing into his fingers.]

I’m sorry…. [He moves his hands over the doll’s skull, closes his eyes and crushes the head. Moving from cradle to cradle, he ignores the barbed wire and keeps crushing their plastic skulls, never once looking in its general direction. The more dolls he destroys, the harder it becomes to detangle his bloody hands from the barbed wire and crush the head of the next one. Specks of his flesh cling to the wire surrounding the crushed plastic head, and his blood pools around their cradles, with a little trail leading to the next one. As for the man himself, tears are flowing down his cheeks but he doesn’t appear to be registering the obvious pain he’s in. With three seconds to spare Midnighter manages to get his mangled digits around the last doll and kills it.

The sound of a door swinging open can be heard, followed by a child’s scream.]

((OOC: For anyone who might want to talk to him, assume the test for both of them is over and he has his 'berry back.))

midnighter, yachiru kusajishi

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