Hey, guys! Congratulations, you made it through Week One Hundred Thirty-Five. Ninety-nine red balloons go by~
First order of business, it’s Sunday, and time for reset. Welcome to F3 and to Haven! It’s an arid little planet with a space age wild west sort of feel to it, and the rats will be dumped right in the center of town.
The writeup is
here. Week 136 is just for acclimating, so characters will have the chance to get their bearings. Explore and have some fun~
For our new writers, hello! Welcome aboard, feel free to ask questions. These days, most of the chats take place on AIM in 'facilitychat', so
feel free to go there for your plotting needs. We also have a spiffy
plot post for players to use. Shop for plot or advertise one of your own. Thanks!