I'm home for the summer. So, I've got 2 1/2 months to play in the kitchen, even though I can't get too crazy with expensive ingredients.
Baking cakes may be the answer.
They freeze well, and I can give away the more perishable ones since most people like a nice piece of cake. (And I may finally get around to making that Dobos Torte, Zsuzsa.)
Even though neither my mother nor I baked a lot of cakes, between the two of us, we had at least 10 cake pans. Regular round metal cake pans, glass and metal square and rectangular slab cake pans, angel food/tube pans and bundt cake pans.
Speaking of bundt cakes, I recently ran across several beautiful bundt cake recipes which made me want to dig out one of those pans and give them a try. But it's been so long since I baked one that I'm looking for tips, tricks and problems to try to avoid.
The huge metal one on the left was my mom's while the green silicone one was mine. I seem to remember that my first and only attempt to use it ... was NOT a success.
Right now, I'm digesting.
You know those pictures of the python digesting a whole pig? Well, I just finished the last portion of mussels and that's what I feel like. This is why I only make the dish once a year. After having to eat the same thing 3 days in a row, it takes a year to get my appetite back.