Birds Can't Fly That High, Can They?

Apr 15, 2008 01:33

,'{ .b.a.m.b.o.o.z.l.e.d.}',
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-Gotham versus New York-

(Just click for larger image)

Category: Fanart
Fandom: DC/Marvel cossover
Characters: Robin and Spider-man
Rating:  G (for boys barking at each other <3 )

Why? I'll tell you why. They're perfect for each other.  They're both boy geniuses and science dorks.  They're both little and similar extra curricular activities.  They both like high places and the color red.  Personality-wise, they're perfect foils for each other. Peter is fun and happy-go-lucky with sense of humor Tim is an angsty brow-furrower.with no sense of humor. Am I good at matchmaking or what?

Oh, and also, I don't know why, but Ultimate Spider-man says, "Woof" a lot in case you were wondering.  I like it <3
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Scribbled because
pervyficgirl likes Spider-man and I like
her stories, especially her Spaghetti'verse. 
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       My song of the day, won't you give it a listen?;
                               American Boy by Estelle

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