So this hellish semester has finally ended and its time to celebrate by watching anime until my brain atrophies to the size of a walnut. I've watched a whole lot of Turn A Gundam (
Kihel+Harry= &hearts), one episode of Black Jack (medical bureaucracy on crack!), and rewatched some Z Gundam (pr0n writing research, yay
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Comments 8
(Just out of curiousity, how'd you find your way here? We don't look like we have any friends-of-friends or communities in common)
Oooooh, Gundam. How I love your canon gheiness. (For a show with a male target audience, it's ... really gay. I mean holy shit. ♥;;;)
And yes, everyone is Charsexual. :< He makes women straight and men gay. He's just awesome like that. NEVER CHANGE, CHAR ♥
Even Garma could not make this episode any gayer. Seriously, it's that gay.
I am so straight for Char, if I met Char and he hit on me (wee, delusion) I'd be all "I'm sorry, I don't really like... um... um... what I mean to say is OMG PLZ USE ME!! :O"
(Arg, livejournal keeps telling me your comment doesn't exist. Lying bastards!)
the way he's touching Bright-san and the way Bright-san just stares at the hands and lksdhlgkhdkhslsdg *collapse, die*
Please forgive fangirling, for I am being very silly right now. D:~~ worship *adds to memories*
...never change. ♥
saving that "why so shy" cap btw... ♥
FSF; UF:AGF:AB %@(*&Y KuwaKami moment!!!
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