one-shot: not so vile a sin

Apr 02, 2008 23:46

WHOOO I need to go to bed but first, I finished my redandthewolf fic challenge! With 20 minutes before the deadline! Hahah I win.

Title: Not So Vile A Sin
Author: _thirty2flavors
Summary: Midway through seventh year, Lily has come to accept many things about James Potter. The one thing she cannot seem to accept is his arrogance.
Excerpt: On the whole, she had come to realize ( Read more... )

lily evans, fic, remus lupin, james potter, lily/james, one-shot

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_thirty2flavors April 17 2008, 04:48:57 UTC
Haha no problem! I love that poem. It's so... different from most of what you see posted, which draws me to it.


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