i still don't want to add her on facebook though

Dec 14, 2011 19:27

I. I downloaded and thoroughly enjoyed watching Much Ado About Nothing again, even if the file is the size of a small electronic child and is DRMed to all hell. I know some people had issues with the HD one and in retrospect SD may have been a better choice, but it actually downloaded quite quickly for me (under an hour, I think) and ran smoothly ( Read more... )

much ado about nothing (2011), community, life the universe and everything, doctor who

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Comments 43

lacunaz December 15 2011, 00:38:26 UTC

... )


_thirty2flavors December 15 2011, 00:41:56 UTC

Pretty sure I still know every word to the theme song.


lacunaz December 15 2011, 01:16:01 UTC

I don't know what to think of the "no two-parters" in s7. I like a good finishing two-parter. But I think Moffat relies too much on this ~cliffhangers~, so switching it up and making him wrap up a storyline in a single episode will cut down on a lot of the bullshit convoluted plot twists. I hope.


_thirty2flavors December 15 2011, 01:23:53 UTC
One of my proudest comedy moments is getting to use "inertia is a property of matter" in casual conversation.

Yeah, like on one hand the idea of no AGMGTW/LKH ever again is heartwarming. On the other hand, some of the show's very strongest episodes have been two-parters (TIP/TSP, HN/FOB, TEC/TDD even though I am the bitter scrooge who dislikes them, etc) and as ibishtar said, it seems unambitious, story-wise. Instead of trying to create a deep and complex story, just come up with something we can resolve in 40 minutes and give it a dramatic and misleading tital.


twinsuns December 15 2011, 00:42:27 UTC
I finally started watching Dr Who a few days ago. I'm on season two now.

Only a few years behind, right?? :p


_thirty2flavors December 15 2011, 00:44:43 UTC



turtle_goose December 15 2011, 00:47:39 UTC
Nine Stans Of The World Unite! (Obviously this is what stood out to me the most.)

Will MAAD download in the US? Or will I have to resort to ~alternate methods?


_thirty2flavors December 15 2011, 00:49:55 UTC
LOL I was pleased by her Correct Opinions.

Yep, you can download it worldwide as far as I can tell -- I mean, I'm in Canada and it worked fine. I'm not sure there really are alternative methods yet tbh, Digital Theatre makes you jump through a few hoops (you have to download their program to play it and can only play it through their program) and I haven't seen any other links crop up yet.


ibishtar December 15 2011, 01:10:44 UTC
I just saw Much Ado as well for the first time. I enjoyed so much, it was wonderful. I may never stop singing 'Sigh No More'. What an earworm!
Good luck on your last exams!
As for no two-parters in Series 7, I find that dispiriting. True, I didn't like the two-parters of series 6 either and the stand-outs were the one-offs, but I found the finale suffered for being a single episode. The two-part finale of S5 was a much better story. Mostly, I think not making any two-parters constitutes a lack of ambition, like they can't make stories powerful enough to need two episodes of exploration. Imagine The Empty Child, Human Nature, Impossible Planet or Silence in the Library as single episodes. No thanks! I think a mixture of small-scale single-parters and two-part epics is important for the diversity of the show within a series. Moffat's reasoning about a two-parters causing a decline in ratings and AI is not supported by facts either.


_thirty2flavors December 15 2011, 01:21:37 UTC
Omg, it really is. It always got stuck in my head.


Yeah, IA. I mean, some two-parters are weaker, or do fall down in the second half. On the other hand, some of the very strongest the show has done are two-parters, and really it's all about writing. A string of bad one-offs isn't going to interest me any more than a string of weak two-parters will. Some episodes suffer for being crammed into one episode. It seems to me to tie into the new tendency for FLASH! BANG! BOOM! kind of excitement rather than an actual solid storyline. Moffat basically says as much himself, talking about how he wants the Next Time trailers to be TOTALLY DIFFERENT each week and how he wants "slutty" titles, whatever the hell that even means.


annissa December 15 2011, 01:15:53 UTC
I would have been so psyched about III. So awesome! I very rarely meet people IRL who know what Doctor Who is.

IV. I think it is just like Moffat to get rid of the two-parters. It seems like he spent a lot of time last season trying to make episodes that would create memes and memorable one-liners and not a lot of time developing a strong story arc in general. Seems like he's better at writing one-off episodes and quick bits of dialogue than writing larger stories, so I guess it's good that he's recognizing that? The two-parters were my favorites from past seasons though, so I'm sad to see them go :/


_thirty2flavors December 15 2011, 01:26:43 UTC

Yeah that's kind of how I feel -- there weren't really any two-parters in s6 that I liked, though I liked the second half of the Flesh People one which wasn't Moffat anyway. But on the other hand some of their very strongest are two-parters, like TIP/TSP and HN/FOB, which I think shows that it's just quality of story you need and that won't be solved if you only have a single episode. Single episodes can still blow! Just look at COTBS.


annissa December 16 2011, 21:21:20 UTC
Yes, yes, yes, all of this. Two-parters are awesome when they're done well and necessary to accommodate the breadth of the plot, not when they're shoved in there needlessly.


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