fic: five people lily evans never fell in love with

Dec 21, 2007 02:10

This meme spawned a fic! Hurrah for memes! Or something.

Title: five people lily evans never fell in love with
Rating: Um, whatever, I'm gonna say PG13. My ratings are arbitrary, did you know? =)
Characters: Lily Evans and five characters who will remain quasi-suspenseful until you click the link.
Summary: Five people Lily Evans almost -- but ( Read more... )

lily evans, fic, one-shot

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Comments 4

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_thirty2flavors December 21 2007, 18:17:54 UTC
Thank you! The bit with Regulus was probably my favourite. I admit to having a huge soft-spot for him, lol.


ladyprongs December 21 2007, 16:20:16 UTC
That story is so much love. Simple. To the point. Love. =)


_thirty2flavors December 21 2007, 18:16:55 UTC
=) Aw, thank you. It was great fun to write, must admit.


narcissa_malfoy December 29 2007, 02:49:18 UTC
This was excellent.

She tries to convince herself that in two years, the "Marauders" will have grown up as much as Frank has, but she can't. She's almost certain they'll spend the rest of their days as teenage boys, permanently stuck in a state of arrested development.

Chilling and haunting.


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