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Comments 42

lorelaisquared May 15 2011, 01:05:54 UTC
OMG Wasn't it FABULOUS? The Doctor and his TARDIS were just so perfect. I loved how they sort of had this whole sniping back and forth thing going on too. Like the whole thing with the sign on the door saying Pull and him always pushing. I laughed at that because I'm certain I've seen people ranting about that within fandom.

BWAH Bunkbeds! That was rather hysterical! Also, note he didn't answer Rory about whether he has a bedroom? Interesting.

Did you watch the Confidential? If not you should - there are montages of the Doctor and the TARDIS in all configurations - rather epic and awesome. Also, Neil Gaiman is adorable. (And Arthur Durvall wears a horrifically awful shirt).

"Time Lord is just what he is, it doesn't mean he knows what he's doing!" LMAO Amy!

PS _ *snort* LOVE your gif!


_thirty2flavors May 15 2011, 16:31:28 UTC
Yeah the banter between the two of them was awesome and perfect. LOL @ push vs pull, bwahaha.

The bunkbeds omg lolololol, poor Ponds. Interesting that the Doctor is apparently in charge of bedroom creation. I always kind of assumed the TARDIS did it magically like the Room of Requirement lol.

I did not but I have seen the montage to I Believe in Miracles and it was awesome!

LOL my favourite Amy line was "did you wish really hard?"


lorelaisquared May 15 2011, 17:17:23 UTC
Push vs Pull was great! LOL TARDIS - oh the things she could call him on. One episode of this is not enough!

LMAO Poor Ponds indeed. I loved that he's like "But it's a bed, with a ladder" completely oblivious to why a married couple may not appreciate this. Yeah I'm with you, I thought it was Room a Requirementy too - although maybe the Doctor can just request things? It seems the TARDIS didn't care much about his companions at this point (Always picking up strays LOLOL) so maybe she gave him more control of their room because she didn't care?

LMAO That montage is AWESOME! DWC needs to do more of them. They amuse me.

LMAO that Amy line was hilarious. I loved the tone in her voice when she said it too! :D LOLOLOL


spud14 May 15 2011, 01:59:41 UTC
yo dawg i herd u lyk tardis so i got u a tardis so u can tard in your tardis

i liked it muchly, it gave me many feelings, rory's dead once or twice, awesome. but god i hate the new tardis so much, i just miss my coral friend so much.

ETA: i am slightly tipsy and i appear to be repeating myself so much.


_thirty2flavors May 15 2011, 16:34:00 UTC
I like the new TARDIS, it's very pretty, but I LOVE YOU OLD TARDIS, NEVER LEAVE ME. It is the "real" TARDIS in my mind and probably always will be.


captaintish May 15 2011, 02:31:00 UTC
Also, even if it has been a season and a half, ye olde coral consoleroom still = the real TARDIS in my head. So it was fun to see everyone in there.

I know, I was like "OH, CORAL, HOW I HAVE MISSED YOU!"

And still LOLing about the bunk bed thing. :D

Best episode of this season so far.


_thirty2flavors May 15 2011, 16:54:10 UTC
Best episode of this season, strong contender for best episode of New New Who, though I haven't decided yet. Loved it.


kazutakia May 15 2011, 02:55:08 UTC
ddflkg;lddsllj;lgjgffffff I loved this ep SO MUCH Doctor/TARDIS 4EVAR

always wantd to know what the TARDIS would say if it had a voice and omggggg so many dreams come true! still laughing at "Hello, I'm Sexy." bwahahaha

i'm prettys ure this ep was amazing even if i was still drunk due to eurovision


_thirty2flavors May 16 2011, 12:49:55 UTC

This episode was amazing even sober, it is true. TARDIS YOU ARE A BAMF.


beingfacetious May 15 2011, 04:11:07 UTC
I loved it soooo much.


_thirty2flavors May 16 2011, 12:50:29 UTC
Me too! Best episode in SO long.

The sad part is that I am pretty sure no other episode is going to live up for a long time, lol.


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