collab fic: identity theft (4/5ish)

May 07, 2011 13:41

Title: Identity Theft (4/5ish)
Authors: goldy_dollar & _thirty2flavors
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Ten II/Rose
Genre: Angst, drama
Warnings: No standard warnings for this chapter, but the fic as a whole deals with themes of memory loss.
Summary: When the Doctor is injured during an alien attack, he and Rose are left struggling to cope with the aftermath.
Excerpt: ( Read more... )

jackie tyler, fic, the doctor, ten/rose, rose tyler, doctor who

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Comments 34

anonymouscatt May 8 2011, 07:35:49 UTC
So I got home from work and checked LJ, saw that you'd updated... and I was disappointed that I could not read it right away because people were waiting for me to watch Doctor Who with them. I was looking forward to this more than the actual episode airing today, that's how awesome this fic is.

This wasn’t his fault. It wasn’t her fault either. It was the Squadra. And she was going to hunt them down and make them pay for it. If I did not already know who was writing this fic, this would have been the line that clued me in.

“That’s like him, isn’t it? Out with the old, find someone new.” This is heartbreaking, because it's so completely true. Oh, Rose. :(

OMG, Pizza Delivery Guy is like the last job I would ever picture the Doctor taking. This is so bizarre.

“Jesus, Rose, how long were we together? Years? In all that time, did I ever tell you anything about myself?” This is getting painful to read, seriously. Even if she were completely honest with him about what she does know, she has no reason to think he'd believe her, so ( ... )


_thirty2flavors May 10 2011, 20:30:33 UTC
I was looking forward to this more than the actual episode airing today, that's how awesome this fic is.

:D Aww thanks! I'm glad you're liking it so much.

If I did not already know who was writing this fic, this would have been the line that clued me in.

LOL we were joking about our own tropes when we were writing this.

OMG, Pizza Delivery Guy is like the last job I would ever picture the Doctor taking. This is so bizarre.

LOL right? I have a hard time picturing him doing any kind of job, tbh, but especially one like that.

This is getting painful to read, seriously. Even if she were completely honest with him about what she does know, she has no reason to think he'd believe her, so the lies just keep building...

Yeah, Rose isn't exactly at her best here, though she thinks she's acting in his best interest. To be fair, though, it would be pretty hard to sit someone down and inform them they're part-alien from a parallel universe, lol.

I'm not sure why she calls him at the end though... he doesn't remember anything about ( ... )


sapphire_child May 8 2011, 08:43:01 UTC
Of course she can't stand by and let more innocent people lost their memories. Oh Rose...

I'm itching to know what's going to happen next.


_thirty2flavors May 11 2011, 02:15:24 UTC
Yeah, Rose would never sit back and let that happen. Even if rushing in with guns blazing is possibly not the smartest idea, lol.

Thank you! The next part should be up soon.


redcirce May 8 2011, 20:38:33 UTC
(and of course, I'm pretty sure I commented on the last chapter, "oh well, at least her version of being a martyr is just going to live with her parents, not something stupid and dangerous like the Doctor would have done!")

Wonderful and sad as always. Very curious as to what she's going to leave on his machine. Jackie was awesome in this chapter, as she often is.

Also:“That’s like him, isn’t it? Out with the old, find someone new.”I always forget that the Doctor is not the only one with unresolved emotional problems... (I find this really interesting, especially in comparison to your Blood & Anger & Revenge fic where we get to see the flip side, Cloen having to deal with Rose being gone ( ... )


_thirty2flavors May 11 2011, 03:07:22 UTC
(and of course, I'm pretty sure I commented on the last chapter, "oh well, at least her version of being a martyr is just going to live with her parents, not something stupid and dangerous like the Doctor would have done!")

LOLOL you did and we were very amused!

I always forget that the Doctor is not the only one with unresolved emotional problems...

Yeah, they're both a bucket of crazy. I think Rose is generally more well-adjusted, but it's not very hard to be more well-adjusted than the Doctor.

I can't decide if it would be comforting or nerve racking to have two copies of the person you loved running around the universe, especially if the one you were with died.

Both, I imagine, lol. At least in Rose's case, anyway, I think that while she's with Cloen she'd feel bad for Ten, but at the same time if something ever happened to Cloen it would be very very tempting to try and find Ten to start all over again. It's not very admirable, but I think it's what she would do.

(And I swear this isn't my OTP instinct talking, but what ( ... )


sleepscribbling May 9 2011, 04:54:23 UTC
This fic continues to be amazing. Jackie's visit with John Smith and the Dimension Cannon scene were especially fascinating. And that was a hell of a cliffhanger... YOU GET THOSE SQUADRA, ROSE~

(Commenting on this has made me realize I need a Rose icon. Whoops.)


_thirty2flavors May 11 2011, 13:08:10 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked the bit with Jackie, it was sort of a last-minute addition but it felt like it should be there and also Jackie Tyler is just awesome and I like her relationship with the Doctor.

You have a Bad Wolf icon! That's ...close.

Thanks for reading! Next part should be up soon.


papilio_luna May 9 2011, 23:30:25 UTC
even a hockey riot in Canada in the 1950s

Please tell me that this actually happened! (Lie if you have to.)

This story continues to be angstilly brilliant. Why do I enjoy watching these characters get beaten up so badly? I feel a little guilty!


goldy_dollar May 9 2011, 23:40:41 UTC

Don't feel guilty! We wrote it and enjoy it as much as you do. :p Thank you for reading!


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