collab fic: identity theft (4/5ish)

May 07, 2011 13:41

Title: Identity Theft (4/5ish)
Authors: goldy_dollar & _thirty2flavors
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Ten II/Rose
Genre: Angst, drama
Warnings: No standard warnings for this chapter, but the fic as a whole deals with themes of memory loss.
Summary: When the Doctor is injured during an alien attack, he and Rose are left struggling to cope with the aftermath.
Excerpt: ( Read more... )

jackie tyler, fic, the doctor, ten/rose, rose tyler, doctor who

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Comments 34

firstofoct May 7 2011, 18:00:00 UTC

Ohhh poor Rose in this chapter. It was so tough to see the Doctor moving on with someone else, wearing JEANS, and dating Robin.

And she was going to hunt them down and make them pay for it.

And that's exactly what the Doctor would have done. Love it.

I think you killed them, she thought, but instead she said, “I don’t know.”

Oh geez. That's tough. And then how she STILL hasn't told him the whole truth? Going to be messy.

“Jesus, Rose, how long were we together? Years? In all that time, did I ever tell you anything about myself?”

POOR ROSE. OMG. D: Cloen I am really feeling badly for you rn, but don't say those things to Rose. :(

She nodded again, trying for flippancy. “Right. Well. See ya.”

SEE YA? That is the worst thing ever to say to the Doctor. Only death and destruction follows.


_thirty2flavors May 7 2011, 19:02:22 UTC
OMG I KNOW it took way too long.

Ohhh poor Rose in this chapter. It was so tough to see the Doctor moving on with someone else, wearing JEANS, and dating Robin.

LOL Wearing jeans is clearly the most egregious of these offenses.

And that's exactly what the Doctor would have done. Love it.

Yeah she has obviously been learning coping mechanisms from the best person.

POOR ROSE. OMG. D: Cloen I am really feeling badly for you rn, but don't say those things to Rose. :(

Yeah, poor Rose.

SEE YA? That is the worst thing ever to say to the Doctor. Only death and destruction follows.

LOL I used "see ya" totally intentionally, negl. "See ya" will haunt Ten in every universe.

Thanks bb!


justlook3 May 7 2011, 18:27:54 UTC
God it's like an unending emotional roller coaster.


_thirty2flavors May 7 2011, 19:31:34 UTC
Our favourite kind!

Thanks for reading! Chapter 5 will be up at some point, hopefully soon.


kilodalton May 7 2011, 18:37:17 UTC
YAY UPDATE!!!!!!! =D

Many thoughts, including:
* ... oh, TenToo =( Delivering pizza =(
* I LOVE JACKIE! This is very her!
* The dimension cannon! Makes total sense she would be tempted ...

“Yeah, I should hope so,” she found herself saying. “It’s your arse he was saving.”

Lol I had a feeling she would say this eventually!!! I think it's what anyone in her position would be thinking.


kilodalton May 7 2011, 21:46:34 UTC
Replying to my own comment ftw!!!

Lol, you know, if it weren't for TenToo's whole "time lords have this little trick ..." comment in Ch1, I by this point would be completely convinced that you were going to have the Squadra wipe HER memory too ... and then, hey, fresh start for them, no? XD XD


_thirty2flavors May 10 2011, 19:16:49 UTC
Yes! It took much longer than we intended. This poor fic, some parts have been battles to write lol.

I LOVE JACKIE! This is very her!

I am glad! I love Jackie too, and I really like her relationship with the Doctor -- it's sort of complicated but very affectionate, at least by the end of s2. I think she would distinctly Not Approve of the two of them breaking up.

* The dimension cannon! Makes total sense she would be tempted ..

I think in any situation where she lost Cloen, she would be tempted to go look for Ten. Which is... not my favourite aspect of her character, tbh, and not really a healthy coping mechanism, but something I think you can't really ignore.

Lol I had a feeling she would say this eventually!!! I think it's what anyone in her position would be thinking.

Yeah, it's harsh but you can't really blame her; it would be a really hard thing to overlook.

Thanks for reading! Hopefully the next part should be up soon.


salimali May 7 2011, 18:41:24 UTC
Ohh I hope he ll respond to her call. Maybe it will spark some memories if he interacts with the Squadra!!


_thirty2flavors May 10 2011, 19:21:18 UTC
I can neither confirm nor deny! lol

But thanks for reading! The next part shoulde be up soon.


wildwinterwitch May 7 2011, 18:49:10 UTC
I still can't fathom how you're going to finish this in five-ish chapters. It's fantastic and sad.

John Smith did feel a lot like the John Smith from Human Nature/Family of Blood, asking how come she'd never told him about his dead children, how the Doctor had never told her many personal things.

And, of course, poor Rose. She's lost him all over again. I'm just glad that Jake didn't lash out at her. She really needed that breakdown to see what she's become.


_thirty2flavors May 10 2011, 19:41:01 UTC
It looks like it's going to be six chapters, but I'm not totally sure. We need to figure out how the last chunk breaks up, lol.

Rose definitely needed a bit of a reality check at this point. Her coping mechanisms are a different kind of self-destructive than the Doctor's, but they're still not exceptionally healthy.

Thanks for reading! The next part should hopefully be up soon.


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