Natsumi was walking down the street alone. It was sad being alone on the weekend but the girls she hung out with in school weren't the very best ones she could of hung out with. They were the ones that were there for you when you need them but the first ones to talk about you when your back was turned
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((OOC - I know this looks familiar. I was given Special permission and the idea of this post by the mod's to do the same post Yumi did awhile ago but only a different class
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Natsumi walked around bored she kind of wished she had made a least a few friends to hang out with but she had to get over it. Natsumi window shopped a bit since she didn't have any money and couldn't buy anything. She thought of going to Tokyo Tower but that cost a bunch of money to get in besides only kids on school trips went there she didn't
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Natsumi had complained to herself quietly earlier as her mom escorted her into the family clinic. Even though Natsumi had won over her anorexia her mother feared an easy relapse with Natsumi still complaining about her weight every now and then. After she was released from the hospital her doctor suggested it. She went to a group meeting every
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