(no subject)

Nov 19, 2006 15:20

Title: Crossing the Line
Summary: Eleven ways Robert Goren and Alexandra Eames break the no-fraternization policy.
Rating: PG
Genre: fluff, romance

Notes/Warnings: Written for 11_reasons. This is my first time writing anything CI and I'm trying out a new writing style, so we'll see how things go. Each chapter will be a distinct ficlet, a story in an of itself, though I will try to post them in some semblance of chronological order.

Prompt: Arms/Hands/Fingers

Chapter 1 - Piano

It’s been a rough few weeks at work and so when they decide to get shit-faced together in the middle of the week, neither of them even thinks about the consequences. She buys the tequila and he picks up the pizza and they’re both drunk before six in the evening and they feel in control of themselves for the first time since they were called to a crime scene at four in the morning three weeks ago.

She’s sprawled out over the couch and he’s sitting on the floor with his head leaning back and resting against her side and she’s warm and content and can’t think of anywhere else she’d rather be right now than right where she is.

He reaches for the bottle of tequila that’s sitting on the coffee table and she can’t help but admire his long-fingered hands and so she asks him if he ever thought of learning to play the piano. She tells him that he would be well-suited to play it and that he’d be better than she ever was. Her hands have always been too small to play well, but her mother made her take lessons anyway. She can still play a few tunes decently but she’s sure he would be able to play much better than she was ever able to.

He drinks straight from the bottle before he sets it back on the coffee table where it’s safer than if he had placed it on the floor. He tells her that he took piano lessons because his mother loved the sound of it and that he still plays for her sometimes when he goes to visit her on the weekends, that Carmel Ridge has a beautiful baby grand in one of the lounges. She can hear the pain in his voice and reaches out to him and threads her fingers through his graying hair until her skin meets his and she can tell him without words that she is there for him.

When he turns to her, she is already smiling and her fingertips are tingling from their contact with his scalp and he smiles back and they both realize in that moment that he is not going home tonight.

bobby goren, fic, 11_reasons, alex eames, criminal intent, bobby goren/alex eames

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