Arcadia Fic: Be Careful With the Flame [Septimus/Thomasina, R]

May 21, 2011 01:41

Septimus often chides Thomasina for being young, but in truth he is still in his salad days as well. While Thomasina struggles to understand the role of time in both mathematics and philosophy - she just hasn’t lived enough of it yet, her adolescence prevents her from seeing some of the sadder answers, phooey to Death and all that - Septimus is ( Read more... )

arcadia, septimus/thomasina, tom stoppard is my favorite genius, fic

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Comments 5

bennet_7 May 21 2011, 06:25:46 UTC
This is gorgeous! I really love the idea of Septimus reinventing himself and this line:

the jam stirs into the rice pudding, the heat cools in the universe, he will never kiss Lady Thomasina Coverley for the first time again.



_starrystarry May 22 2011, 01:40:55 UTC
Thanks! So glad you enjoyed!


sadcypress May 21 2011, 18:35:18 UTC
Came here from the Stoppard comm, and I really, really love this- so glad you posted it there!


_starrystarry May 22 2011, 01:41:17 UTC
Of course -- thanks for reading!


anonymous May 13 2012, 03:59:54 UTC
I stumbled upon your story when I was searching for Arcadia fanfic on a whim, and I have to say, this is amazing! The entire story just seems so authentic like an actual scene from the play. And the last line, especially, is such perfection that I totally felt a chill up my spine when I read it!


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