dw fic: engine turning over [ten/rose, pg-13]

Jun 30, 2008 20:31

There is probably something wrong with me because Doctor Who has taken over my brain and this is my second post-ep for "The Stolen Earth."

engine turning over
doctor who; ten/rose, donna, jack; pg-13; 1,200 words
it is quite a bit like dying, he's been told. two regenerations, with the fast-forward button on. spoilers for "the stolen earth."

Engine ( Read more... )

ten/rose, donna, doctor who, fic

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Comments 29

mylittlepwny July 1 2008, 01:13:24 UTC

This will never not make me smile so hard my face hurts.
Never ever ever.


_starrystarry July 1 2008, 02:30:32 UTC


reetinkerbell July 1 2008, 01:17:16 UTC
Wonderful and quite interesting. I like the idea of the Doctor having a sort of vision of the future while regenerating. It's a nice touch.


_starrystarry July 1 2008, 02:32:23 UTC
I'm glad you like it!


xanya July 1 2008, 01:34:12 UTC
OH, I loved this. Rose is the Doctor's future, of course. Lovely. This was pretty much how I'd like to see it happen and you captured them all beautifully. YOU'RE RIGHT - HE SHOULD HAVE HAD THE CONVERSATION SOONER. I've always thought that. If you're the type of person who regenerates, you should tell people about it! Oh well. I really enjoyed this - thanks for writing it.


_starrystarry July 1 2008, 02:34:36 UTC
He should really have a list of bullet points that he runs through with each companion, y'know? But I've got to say one of the few redeeming factors in that S3 episode '42' was when he starts telling Martha about regeneration. Other than that there was just lots of vaguely unattractive sweating and the same space suit from TIP/TSP.

Thanks for reading!


pellnell July 1 2008, 02:46:45 UTC
Oh, this makes me happy. All the happy fic I've been reading since the episode is kind of reassuring, I think.

It's beautiful.


_starrystarry July 1 2008, 13:34:21 UTC
Yeah I'm just sort of clinging to the happy right now. Glad you enjoyed!


treblebeth July 1 2008, 04:11:56 UTC
I've been craving fic like crazy since Saturday and this totally hit the spot! I really love what you did here. It just fits.


_starrystarry July 1 2008, 13:35:28 UTC
Thanks for reading!


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