dw fic: mondays [ten/martha, pg]

Feb 15, 2008 00:51

doctor who; ten, martha; pg; 2,250 words
seven mondays for martha jones. blink. for calliopes_pen (as part of the smith_n_jones 1969 ficathon). she wanted humour, bananas, and a duel. many thanks to synecdoche for the speedy beta.

Take the duel, for instance )

ten/martha, doctor who, fic

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Comments 21

persiflage_1 February 15 2008, 06:30:48 UTC
Oh nice one...

I liked this line

When Martha smiles at him he can read her emotions, can almost feel them, like the tiny snowflakes that pierce numb skies and give them sensation.



_starrystarry February 16 2008, 18:26:48 UTC
Thanks muchly!


abstruse_fangrl February 15 2008, 07:05:30 UTC
This was really good, especially the insight into how Martha thinks, and how her past experience have shaped her.


_starrystarry February 16 2008, 18:27:45 UTC
The world need more Martha backstory, in my opinion. ;)

Thanks for reading!


synecdoche February 15 2008, 12:56:18 UTC
What I just love about your writing is the way you always weave these amazing insights into characters I thought I already knew. I always finish reading your pieces, wanting to go watch more Doctor Who so as to see the characters with your lens.

Also, I know I've probably told you this about thirty times already, but your dialogue scenes always make me smile. Take these: perfectly in-character, hilarious and insightful by turns. Trust you to make a sequined duel both charming and revelatory.

Finally, the last line completely makes the story for me. When I read it the first time, I was already sold on the Monday concept, but the transition to Tuesday was breath-taking. Oh man.

Suffice to say that I really enjoyed reading. ♥


_starrystarry February 16 2008, 18:29:35 UTC
I'm so so happy that you like my writing enough to put up with reading it multiple times. Your comments never fail to put this huge smile on my face. ♥

Also, random, but - I wrote the Tuesday line first. Because my mind makes no sense. Of course.


(The comment has been removed)

_starrystarry February 16 2008, 18:31:13 UTC
Thank you!! I'm always worried about writing Martha because she's this gorgeous combination of sweet and sensible and serious and some other word that hopefully begins with 's' and I worry that it'll be impossible to capture it all. Glad you enjoyed!


padawanpooh February 15 2008, 17:35:39 UTC
That was really lovely - poor Martha's experiences and how she bottles them out before they come bursting out at the end...very very nice.

Besides, cooking’s basically chemistry. With yummier results.”

I want to marry that line ;-D


_starrystarry February 16 2008, 18:33:50 UTC
That line comes courtesy of one of my friends, who cannot cook, and my insistence that since he's an engineering student and has taken way more chemistry than I have, he should get his act together. ;)

Glad you enjoyed!


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