- POSB Savings 126-84963-0 - Please provide the date, time and transaction reference and use your LJ nick as IBnick. - ATM transfer allowed (pls email me a picture of your ATM receipt and also post the transaction details) - ABSOLUTELY NO Inter-banking
- normal or reg postage Postage will only be done during WEEKENDS - Mass Meetup Boon Lay / NIE only - $0.50 for handling.
Direct International shipping
Shipping charges split according to cost of ur items.
1st Payment: Cost of purchase + (S$1.00 per item * number of items) 2nd Payment: Topup/refund + Local postage + 50cent handling fee
PLEASE LOGIN TO YOUR LJ ACCT BEFORE POSTING LJ nick: *do not leave blank* Name: *do not leave blank* Email: *do not leave blank* Bank Account type / No.: *do not leave blank* & pls double check* Mode of Collection: Mass Meetup/Postage (reg/normal)
Item #1: name of item URL: ADD TO BAG OR READ THE STATUS TO SEE IF IT IS AVAILABLE!!! PLS DOUBLE + TRIPLE CHECK THIS!!!!! Size: Color: Qty: Price in US$: Alt if OOS:
Item #2: name of item URL: ADD TO BAG OR READ THE STATUS TO SEE IF IT IS AVAILABLE!!! PLS DOUBLE + TRIPLE CHECK THIS!!!!! Size: Color: Qty: Price in US$: Alt if OOS:
No. of items = Total in US$ = Total in SG$ = ( US$total x 1.48 ) + ( No. of items x $1 ) = SG$total (Please round UP!)
Transaction Details- IB nick: PLEASE USE UR LJ NICK Amount: S$ Transaction Reference: Date/time: